The Pennsylvania Democrat recalled his time serving as a Hillary Clinton surrogate in 2016, even after he supported Bernie Sanders in the primary.

    16310 months ago

    I don’t like Joe Biden, but this isn’t a presidential approval poll, it’s an election, and he’s clearly better than any of the alternatives. And when it comes down to it, he’s been better than I expected. We could have just had an exclusively centrist presidency, and while there’s been plenty of centrism, he has been persuadable to progressive action.

    And frankly even if you can’t bring yourself to express support Biden for some reason, it should be pretty easy to want anyone who willingly associates with Republicans to lose and lose badly, because they’re way beyond stealth-mode fascism now. Even the most jaded “they’re all neolibs” voter from earlier elections can’t possibly ignore that the Republicans are just fash now. There’s a real danger if they win that cities end up with federally tasked jackboots kidnapping protesters like Portland.

    • Cethin
      5310 months ago

      When the vote is between someone (and a party) who says “climate change is more worrying than nuclear war” and “climate change is a hoax” the choice should be clear for any reasonable person. All the treason stuff aside (though very important, everyone should already be decided on that), climate change is the biggest issue for everyone I know. Probably for any average person under 50 if I had to guess.

      • prole
        810 months ago

        I’ve seen people saying Hexbear users have been brigading politics communities of other instances. Not sure if it’s true, but it would explain the massive influx of idiotic far right morons with a 6th grade writing level making bad faith arguments.

          2110 months ago

          Depends on where they are. If they’re in a liberal stronghold like California, it’s probably fine. If they’re deep in the red like Florida, also fine.

          But voting third party in a swing state is definitely not pragmatic.

            10 months ago

            which, if yall voting third party in some “safe state” and the candidate doesn’t even support some kind of electoral reform, what are yall doing. this whole “swing state” thing is 100% bullshit and virtually any of 10,000 plans to fix it will work, at least send a message.

              910 months ago

              Well, the problem with politics is that it basically renders a ton of wants into like 5 choices at most, and only 2 if you really want to win.

          10 months ago

          Perfect summary of how fucked the two party system and partisan identity in the US is. “Oh you don’t want to get behind a party that supports the Palestinian genocide? Trump lover!” You basically have a moderate rainbow capitalist center right party, and a fashy culture war right party, they have the same donors and corrupt capital directing their policies though. The vote is like picking the aesthetic you want to see things degrade under.

          Biden taking the L for pulling out of Afghanistan was the best thing he’s done. Obama and Trump didn’t want it and he finally went though with it.

            10 months ago

            These two things can be true at the same time:

            1. The two-party system is structurally bad for the country. We really, really need ranked-choice or approval voting, and have needed them for a long time.
            2. If you are a voter in a contested (“purple”) state and don’t vote for Biden, you will be thereby supporting the election of a fascist candidate, which will make you a material supporter of fascism.

            Feel free to vote for West if you live in, say, California. But in a contested state, a vote for West is a vote for Trump (or his replacement as Führer).

            There is an actual, material difference between the center-right big-business party (the Democrats) and the fascist party. If you don’t believe me, go ask a gay schoolteacher from Florida.

              910 months ago

              You can’t blame 3rd party / nonvoters for the faults of republican voters. Mentality like that is why we are stuck with point number 1.

                  710 months ago

                  Who you or I vote for is not going to stop a second January 6th, it isn’t going to change the plans in project 2025, the question is no longer about duely elected politicians, there is a high chance that Trump could be barred from running due to his actions on Jan 6th, but that doesn’t change angry confused people’s minds.

                  If you don’t want to make america Florida convince a Trumper he’s bad don’t attack people who already know it.

              • phillaholic
                1310 months ago

                Sure I can. Every eligible voter who did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 shares partial blame for Trump winning. Less than people who voted for Trump, but more then none at all.

                  710 months ago

                  Personally I would put more blame on the democrats for not fielding a better candidate that could have beaten trump not the people who didn’t vote for a shit candidate

            1910 months ago

            You basically have a moderate rainbow capitalist center right party, and a fashy culture war right party, they have the same donors and corrupt capital directing their policies though.

            Holy fuck is this insane. While it was still dumb, complaining about lack of differentiation between neoliberalism with social conservative tendencies and neoliberalism with socially liberal tendencies could at least masquerade as a cogent argument, but “fashy culture war” isn’t just another stylistic draping on neoliberalism, it’s storming school boards, skinheads marching through cities, and federally directed jackboots kidnapping protesters.

              410 months ago

              That’s all happening now while Biden is in office though, and the police work for the state. Weapons are also being sold to fascists and extremists who repress moderates all over the world. The difference is under neoliberalism domestically, as long as people are equally represented, and the visible oppression is externalized, the structure is strengthened and remains. The Republican model says some deserve to be worse off based on their identity, which is in practice an opportunity for exploitation of all, it’s a way to blame systemic stresses on an internalized other. The stresses remain in either case and the system continues to degrade.

              Neoliberalism has already had its crisis and essentially died, in the sense that it’s not believed in anymore but still guides institutions.

                1310 months ago

                Where are the DHS (or other federal agents) kidnapping protesters? They didn’t just randomly decide to show up in Portland and they weren’t just randomly chosen from among available federal forces. They were sent there by Trump because they were a young organization with the least inertia to resist the fascist turn.

                As to the other two, I suppose it’s true it’s still happening, no one solved the problem of evil, but they aren’t being called “fine people” and sheltered by the head of the executive branch. Zero chance the Proud Boys go to prison under a fascist president and more than likely they will be pardoned (and given a green light) if that happens. The idea that a fascist president doesn’t make fascism markedly worse is insanity.

                All the flowery words about international relations are just avoiding answering the question of actual fascism, while also basically ignoring that fascist leaders were rising at the same time and supporting each other. What bullshit fake leftism to just hand wave away the rise of fascism, both at home and abroad.

                  10 months ago

                  Feds are notorious for harassing and threatening effective protestors, and the police and military in the US are full of organized fascists already, that’s just getting worse in any partisan scenario. International relations is actual fascism, because it’s all about protecting the interests of private US companies who do business in countries with less regulations and labor standards, and forcing those countries to remain friendly to US interests in this manner. So the oppression resulting from this system is externalized and hidden from the American collective conscious which is more involved with a culture war that doesn’t really change the status quo system but gives it moral justification and context. Results are incidents like Coca Cola hiring death squads in Columbia to harass and murder labor organizers, or just exploiting entire workforces. The military industrial complex side of this is basically death for any political organizations left of center in any country the US has interests in, the story of the last half century. Pertinent example, Biden pulling out of Afghanistan ended decades of involvement that basically started with providing insane amounts of weapons to Mujahideen Islam extremists and warlords which culminated in 9/11. Iran is the exception but the US is materially very friendly to repressive Islamic states for these economic reasons, those states aren’t inclusive by any stretch of the imagination and actually murder so-called sexual deviants. As long as it’s not happening in the US neoliberal Democrat supporters can feel like their hands are clean of fascism the system they support inflicts. So I would flip around that last paragraph and say this is a material reality entirely avoided by US Democrat progressives.

            310 months ago

            It helps to think of it in pragmatic terms of what your vote does, versus whether or not you fully support X or Y. It is undeniable that given the stupid electoral system we were born into, that voting third party effectively supports whichever mainstream candidate you don’t want to win.

            All the rest of the time, whether in primaries or public forums like this, you argue and vote for what/who you really want.

            But once you hit the general election, it is essentially cast in stone that either the R or D candidate will win.

            We need ranked choice voting so that candidates care about what the people really want, versus just getting more votes than one specific other person.

              110 months ago

              voting third party effectively supports whichever mainstream candidate you don’t want to win.

              What if you don’t want either to win and see the trend of both parties turning more to the right since Reagan and locked in a death spiral. Corporate tax rates are as low as ever, both parties support the military industrial complex and police state, both support the Palestinian genocide, neither party wants to get rid of Citizens United and Super PACs (regulated less than charities) now control and appropriate political action for corporate interests, neither party supports public healthcare. Like yeah the degradation may happen slower under Democrat but they haven’t shown signs of turning their backs against the corporate interests ruining the country/world.

                210 months ago

                If you don’t want either one to win, there is no way for you to legally make that happen.

                So if you accept that is true, and you have a preference among the two parties, that is where pragmatism suggests voting against the greater evil.

                But if you honestly have little to no preference, then you won’t care about the so-called consequences of voting third party, and can do whatever.

                I mean obviously you can always do whatever you want. This is just the game theory you’re thinking that means we need to change our voting system before the two-party lock-in would even start to loosen.

                  110 months ago

                  Pragmatism would suggest I spend my efforts being politically active in other ways rather than dedicate it to a bipartisan death spiral. I’m active on the labor, municipal, and environmental front, and none of it is online.

        • Bilb!
          10 months ago

          You like Trump for 2024. I’ve noted it. It’s in my notes! You’re in trouble now!

        810 months ago

        He’s clearly not, first because he fell for the People’s Grifter’s Party and second because he’s not even trying to win. Jumping into a presidential race as a third party is just an exercise in self-promotion and maybe a little political grifting along the way. He sure as shit isn’t trying to engage with the political system to induce positive political change because no outcome of his candidacy believably accomplishes that.

          110 months ago

          You do understand that the parties we have today started as third parties 100+ years ago?

          I would say, one of the most American things to do is to found another party when the original party loses their way.

          We are already in the third presidential election where anyone to the left of corporate-neoliberalism are being pushed to ignore their own principles to keep the party at the status quo.

          As bad as the Republican Party has been recently, slavery would still be around if people in the 1850’s kept voting Whig to keep the slave-loving Democrats in check. The main problem with voting has been voter suppression and how somebody who has to work multiple jobs or extended hours can even find a place to vote.

          Make every state run the Colorado mail-in election process and you will find that we might be able to actually vote away a lot of garbage and have fair elections with large enough voting numbers to possibly spit both parties.

          I always say that personally, voting for the lesser of two evils still has people voting for evil. I still vote, but propping up the two-party system shouldn’t be the only reason to keep the status quo.

      • Franzia
        310 months ago

        I think Marianne Williamson is an excellent candidate. But voting is literally a rigged game and there’s only one answer where we don’t all lose our democracy.

          • Franzia
            210 months ago

            Nah voting against Dems has worked on a smaller scale. But in the presidency frankly you’re an ass to vote against Biden on this one. Your loser candidate loses, trump wins, bye bye to many of our rights and freedoms. Neato.

      5110 months ago

      Yeah, but you’re still going to vote for him, just like I’m going to have to…

      We don’t really have a choice.

      But it’s not enough for moderates to count on progressives voting for them in the general, that’s not “supporting” to them anymore.

      They want our unwavering support and complete refusal to criticize them before, during, and after assuming office.

      They’ve been slowly creeping right for so long chasing conservative votes that they’ve got the same expectations of their voters that Republicans get.

      I think more than a few of the party leadership truly wish Dem voters were more like Republican voters.

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        3810 months ago

        We don’t really have a choice.

        This is the real problem. Not Biden’s age or his actual policy goals and achievements. It’s that we know what we’re getting and we know we won’t be enthusiastic about it.

        But ya gotta do what ya gotta do, and unlike last time I’m in a swing state and can’t cheekily write in my favorite candidate without ending the world.

            • phillaholic
              110 months ago

              Enthusiasm doesn’t lead to anything most of the time. Throughout history the greatest Presidents all had to make difficult decisions that either went against their ideals or were questionable if they had the right to do them. Anyone can run on grand ideas, but once you’re in the seat the unattended consequences are revealed to you, and unless your a monster who doesn’t care, they have to be dealt with.

              An example that made me change my mind about some things under the Obama administration was watching documentary series on declassified CIA/FBI counterterrorism incidents. The number of plots they were stopping was overwhelming. And if those interviewed are to be believed those were only a small fraction of the situations they dealt with.

        710 months ago

        You have plenty of choices. First of all you can vote for someone that isn’t red or blue, second you can take action yourself and do politics on your own

          3210 months ago

          First of all you can vote for someone that isn’t red or blue,

          If I wanted to waste time I wouldn’t stand in line to vote…

          In our political system any vote besides R or D means the same as not voting. Thats just reality, it sucks but it is.

          You want to change it? Great, me too. But we do that by being more invested in the current system and electing people willing to improve it.

          • Zorque
            610 months ago

            Its more likely to matter in downticket races, where the total amount of votes is less than the margin for victory in most federal elections.

            Sure, we’re not going to see a third party president any time soon, but its more than feasible in state and local elections. People just tend to ignore them because they’re not as in your face as federal elections. Even though they’re often as important as federal elections.

            • phillaholic
              310 months ago

              No third party in the US has a workable platform and they don’t even try to make one. They do literally nothing. We can argue back and forth about why they are at a disadvantage or why they have no chance blah blah blah, but it doesn’t take any of that.

            510 months ago

            Don’t feed on the propaganda. There’s a shitty movie out every month or so who millions go to watch because they get blasted with ads. It really doesn’t take much to teach people to vote for someone that isn’t red and blue. Drop that mindset and tell everyone to vote for someone else

          210 months ago

          So if Hitler and Osama bin laden gets resurrected and run for elections you would vote for one of the two according to who killed less people?

          • Franzia
            210 months ago

            Mate, yeah, I fucking have to, because we as Americans have a deeply imperfect electoral system at the federal level. Sorry, but one of those fuckers is gonna be the president and then I have to call my Senator and beg them to go for impeachment.

        3810 months ago

        Brother, that’s what the 35 cutoff is for… A lot of people start losing facultiee 65+, so it is you who ends up supporting rule by toddlers in reality.

        Not to say Joe Biden would be worse than Trump by any means. Pointing out one flaw in a candidate is in no way an endorsement of their opponent.

      • JJROKCZ
        2410 months ago

        I want someone in touch with the modern world, understands technology and climate change, and who will be around to feel the effects of the policies they’re enacting. Being old doesn’t rule out most of those qualifiers but a 70+ year old won’t be around to feel the effects of many policies enacted today, so they may be more willing to enact policies with short term benefits but long term detriments.

        If a 70 yr old wants to work on climate change regulation and tech regulation, they need to understand at least the basics of both, and the majority of legislators cannot use technology and refuse to begin to understand how computers or the internet in general work, despite the internet existing for 30 years and being everywhere for 20. And computers have in workplaces as commonplace for 40 years

          810 months ago

          Al Gore was in his 60s when he won the Nobel for his work on environmental climate change. John Kerry, the current US Climate Envoy and the guy who got us back into the Paris Accords, is almost 80. They both know more than most on the issue.

          • JJROKCZ
            1710 months ago

            Exceptions not the rule, the majority of baby boomers are actively working against climate change and technology

              510 months ago

              Perhaps in your imagination. We’ve passed the largest legislation for climate change ever, plus the CHIPS Act has brought high tech manufacturing and R&D back to the US.

            810 months ago

            And there are/were younger, more energetic, and more knowledgeable options than both of them. The dinosaurs don’t have unique skills, they’re just names we’ve known for years. We have a country of 330M, there are plenty of talented and capable people to choose from.

                810 months ago

                They give Nobels to people whose names are known. It wasn’t a recognition of brilliance, it was a recognition of impact. Put a younger, smarter, and more vibrant leader in place and they get it instead.

                  210 months ago

                  Correction. They don’t give Nobles to people who don’t do things. But, no skin off my nose. If you have a younger, smarter, and more vibrant leader put them up for election and quit screaming at the clouds about age.

    • Franzia
      210 months ago

      He’s got dozens of aides and advisors. No one man’s got all that power.

    10 months ago

    “Support Joe Biden” - Yes.

    “Support particular policies of Joe Biden” - No.

    Democrats are not a cult of personality. We can disagree with particular things the president does without wanting to see him defeated.

          310 months ago

          We need a voting system that eliminates the spoiler effect and allows for showing intensity of preference.

          RCV does neither but STAR voting does both

        2010 months ago

        He specifically said “get behind the policies of Joe Biden”. If it’s just voting I’m with Fetterman, but you don’t need to recalibrate your policy supports because anything less than full agreement is treason.

            10 months ago

            Sure, and if it’s just voting and saying “voting for Biden is important”, then great, we’re good. Biden is obviously better than any Republican and Republicans not having power is important. But what that doesn’t mean is tabling advocacy for progressive stuff because it’s not what he’s doing or pretending bad policies just didn’t happen.

        1810 months ago

        I feel like this is the new boogie man for the DNC. My close circle of friends all don’t like Joe Biden, all voted for Bernie in the primary against Hilary. Still showed up to vote for both her and Biden.

        There’s plenty of people who didn’t show up for Biden and Hilary that have similar views and I don’t think it’s as much malicious as it is apathetic. They don’t do enough to give them a reason to show up. They don’t “energize the base” well enough. The Democrats need to get people excited for their policies somehow.

          310 months ago

          The Democrats need to get people excited for their policies somehow.

          Wouldn’t a good way to do that be to have compelling policies? Off the top of my head I’d think putting abortion protections/rights into explicit law would be a start. Frankly anything that is currently only legal on the basis of supreme court decisions also seems ripe for putting into legislative policy pushes to make into explicit legal protections, rather than relying on some decision that may be overturned by an arguably compromised court.

          In that vein, expanding protections to the LGBT+ community would be another good piece to their policies. Also, on a larger note, more explicit and enthusiastic support of active unionization efforts that have been happening across different business sectors.

          However, even beyond these, some that would apply more broadly might be policies to address housing and rent costs, as these affect basically everyone and anyone. Policies seeking to address housing/rent, education, and healthcare costs would altogether, I think, speak to a wider swath of the public than strictly focusing on the aforementioned concerns, but would also include them, e.g. combating redlining, undermining of public education, denial of medical services to pregnant women & trans people, etc.

          I’ll admit, maybe they have been pushing for some different parts of these (I’m aware of the Biden administration sort of trying to address college debt and getting screwed by the courts), but by and large I don’t think I’ve seen a clear set of policies by the Democratic party of the United States to be excited for. Far more of it has appeared rather watered down and more along the lines of, “Well, we’re not the Republicans at least!” instead of enthusiastically standing for something more constructive.

            10 months ago

            I’m not against any of those policy points you listed. But none of them would get me nearly as excited as them actually following through on raising taxes on the wealthy. They haven’t even really attempted that in decades. It’s been all cuts by the Republicans with no action from the Democrats. Making priority one rolling back the tax bill passed under Trump which lowered taxes on the wealthy and raised them on the middle class would of made me excited to vote for Biden again.

            To me, this is supposed to be the main difference between the two parties and how they run the country. Social issues are important, but I’m sick of the media and politicians ignoring fiscal/tax policy. Biden throws out a soundbite about taxing the rich and being pro labor every once and a while, but makes zero action that way.

              110 months ago

              Social issues are important, but I’m sick of the media and politicians ignoring fiscal/tax policy. Biden throws out a soundbite about taxing the rich and being pro labor every once and a while, but makes zero action that way.

              Fwiw that’s why I included the parts regarding policies addressing various costs (housing/rent, education, healthcare).

              Ideally taxing the rich would lead to actions addressing those, but if we’re realistic, the odds are just as likely for those tax revenues to go to subsidizing some other businesses, and the military, with a depressingly low amount allocated towards public domestic concerns like helping provide shelter, education, and healthcare. At least, the odds are likely they’ll go that way if not coupled with policies of using the tax revenues towards domestic efforts.

        • GodlessCommie
          110 months ago

          It has nothing to do with energizing the base when we can see they lure voters to the polls then never deliver. The issues the poor and middle class are facing now are the same issues we’ve been facing for decades, and they never get addressed.

          Like James Baldwin said, ‘I can’t believe what you say, because I see what you do.’

        • phillaholic
          410 months ago

          All the areas that went hard Blue after voting for Trump in 2016 seem to argue otherwise. Lots of people came out of the woodwork that either voted for Trump or didn’t vote at all.

            510 months ago

            What areas did Trump carry in 16 that then went “hard blue” (I guess that’s dependent upon your definition of hard, but let’s say, breaking for Biden by 10+ points) in 20?

            No doubt there were places that flipped, but I doubt too many flipped “hard”.

            2020 was decided by three groups:

            1. Moderate Republicans repulsed by what they’d seen through 4 years of trump.

            2. Democrats and moderates who were put off specifically by having Clinton on the ballot in 16 and didn’t vote.

            3. Independents who underestimated how bad Trump would be and voted for him to “shake things up” over Clinton who was the picture of Establishment Politics.

            In 2020 I think you also had the effect of complacency among some of Trump’s far right base. Many of them hadn’t voted for years, if ever, until 2016 and likely didn’t realize the perfect storm that had to happen for him to win.

            Meanwhile in 20, defeating Trump basically required two things: don’t be Trump, and don’t be someone lots of people hate.

            Nobody likes Biden, but nobody really hates him either. That’s how he won the primaries and it’s how he won the general.

            And if 2020 is a rematch, it’s how I think he’ll win again. Biden’s biggest strength is what he’s not.

            • phillaholic
              110 months ago

              I’m thinking of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania who flipped back Blue for Biden, but have also flipped other seats that have been long held by Republicans. The PA house flipped, as well as a seat in the Senate in the US Congress. Democrats held on to the governorship of PA for the first time since 1963. Wisconsin’s Supreme Court also flipped for the first time in nearly two decades. I don’t know how many point they won by, but there is a clear direction the states are both going that extends beyond just Trump.

                • phillaholic
                  110 months ago

                  Not sure they comment was meant for me, but I agree. People that still say they are independent either aren’t paying close attention or just don’t want to label themselves. Some just love to complain and not take any responsibility for the consequences of their own voting.

          310 months ago

          For the most part yes. However, I think the DNC has a real problem being disingenuous and acting like every single person to the left of trump owes them their vote. Give people a reason to vote for you. Not everyone who votes Democrat in one election identifies as a party member who is going to show up for you every election.

          This whole talking to people like naughty school children if they don’t vote for you attitude isn’t helping anyone. Hilary ran her entire campaign on that message. It got us 4 years of orange man.

    7810 months ago

    His only redeeming quality is not being Donald Trump. He’s otherwise too fucking old and out of touch with the vast majority of the country like most of our government is.

      10 months ago

      It’s almost midnight. You just got out of your job, a restaurant in a somewhat seedy location in old downtown. You leave through the backdoor into an alley and suddenly notice you’re not alone. The metal door just closed shut behind you.

      You look to your right. There’s a guy with a knife. He’s looking at you and smiling in a weird manner. He starts walking towards you menacingly.

      You look to your left. There’s a well known old drunk there. He smells bad and likes to hug people who are passing by. If you go that way, you will be hugged by him.

      What do you do?

      If you go right, you’ll get stabbed and killed. If you do nothing and stay put, you’ll get stabbed and killed. If you go left, you will be hugged by the stinky guy. It’s disgusting and not ideal, but you’ll not be stabbed and survive.

      What do you choose?

      I see people all the time with the dumbest arguments to not vote. “He’s not progressive enough”, or “he’s part of the system”, or even “he didn’t do enough for X” (insert your favorite minority here).

      It’s all true. But the universe is not a perfect or ideal place. Not voting for the imperfect guy gets us a true horrible alternative. It’s a choice between bad and awful.

      Please vote bad and keep the awful away.

      • Enkrod
        10 months ago

        Gotta move the Overton Window from the far right back towards the center right before you can start moving it to the left.

          510 months ago

          Tell that to the Democrat PACs funding the most insane fascist Republican primary candidates, so they can point out how insane their opposition is, effectively shifting the Overton Window even further to the right.

        1010 months ago

        The United States is not a democracy. In 2016, a man who lost the general election was illegitimately installed as president under the guise of some imaginary lines having more meaning than the actual, objectively factual will of the people as measured through a democratic vote. Unless you’re in a swing state, who you vote for doesn’t matter at all.

          10 months ago

          There are many types of democracies, and we live in a representative democracy which is very much a democracy.

          There is exactly 1 direct democracy on the planet. Costa Rica is close but not quite.

            210 months ago

            Even ignoring how your vote doesn’t matter if it’s not a swing state, your vote is also worth many times more or less both for legislators and the president depending on which state you live in. That’s not a democracy. In order for weighted votes to count as a democracy, you would also have to count much more strongly weighted votes, like if for example, billionaires’ votes were worth a million times that of the average Joe.

              10 months ago

              That’s like saying your vote doesn’t matter if you have a minority opinion so democracy doesn’t exist at all. It’s a bullshit line of reasoning.

              Also your vote is extremely important at the local level. Our housing crisis is entirely a local voting issue.

              A billionaires vote counts for exactly the same as yours. Sorry to break your bubble.

                210 months ago

                I feel like you skimmed my message instead of actually reading it, so I’ll give you a chance to reread it.

                  210 months ago

                  No your post is just nonsense people repeat as part of the general American zeitgeist of “can’t trust government.” It has no basis in reality.

        610 months ago

        I choose neither. Instead, I jump, grab the bars of the fire escape overhead and climb up. Stinky hugs stabby, gets stabbed and dies. Then I jump down from the fire escape onto Stabby, knock him down and stab him with his own knife.

      • Jeremy [Iowa]
        410 months ago

        Ah, the false dichotomy, neat.

        Abstaining is always an option. You can always just ignore either shady individual - you aren’t required to pick one.

        10 months ago

        Your analogy does not work, as the situation presented requires you to either go to the left or to the right.

        In real life, there are many options and gray areas. One of those options is to refuse support to anyone who works against the populace, regardless of their political affiliation.

        The world would be much better off watching the US turn far-right and implode than it would be maintaining the status quo.

        I would rather watch the US die as a Nazi state than support the lesser of two evils. Remove them as a global superpower. Move out of the way and allow other states to bring better systems of government forward. Maybe something salvageable can be found in the wreckage.

        That’s the part Fetterman fails to realize as well: Right now is not okay. Continuing the status quo is not okay.

        Your analogy also equates the death of the nation with the death of the self, which is not even remotely true either.

        Everyone knows not to negotiate with terrorists, until election season.

      2110 months ago

      Yeah, I can think of a parallel. The Soviets and the West allied to defeat Hitler but neither wanted to live under the other’s rules.

      “Not GOP” is the best choice, but I’d like to see a different “not GOP” than the current one. Or even better, a system that doesn’t boil it down to two choices and an all or nothing vote.

        210 months ago

        The difference there is that they knew eventually the war would be over and they didn’t have to be allies any more. Instead, the DNC pulls out this same rhetoric every election, and they’ll never stop.

          210 months ago

          Yeah, another difference was that the Soviets and the West both wanted to defeat the Nazis. I think the moderate Democrats know that if the right is properly defeated (with election reform that opens up the system), they’ll also lose their power since the “we’re not the GOP” votes will dry up. Though the game is getting more dangerous as the GOP’s base is calling for Democrat blood and they don’t need the Dems like the Dems in power need them.

      2010 months ago

      You’re 100% right. I pretty much hate Joe Biden. But I voted for him and will again, because there’s no better way to move towards what I want unfortunately.

        610 months ago

        Stop downvoting the exact sentiment this article and thread are espousing.

        Wtf? So what they hate Biden? Mf voted for him!!

    6210 months ago

    Is it already the time of year to bash progressives in case democrats lose so that they can be blamed for it? The extent of support Joe Biden will get is a vote against the republican party. As a candidate himself, he sucks as does the “democratic” party in general.

          1810 months ago

          so progressive of him to shut down striking rail workers and fail to implement the student debt relief. hell i’m still waiting on the universal healthcare dems promised in 2008.

          • @EmptySlime
            1010 months ago

            He did shut down the strike yes, but was recently credited by the unions for helping them in the months since to apply pressure to finally get them the sick days they were after.

            Quote from the article:

            "We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.

            That’s not even mentioning all the good things happening at his NLRB under Lina Khan. My favorite of which being the new rule that straight up just orders companies found to have engaged in union busting tactics in response to workers trying to get a union election to immediately recognize and begin bargaining with said union.

              10 months ago

              n working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.

              so they’ve been paying lip service and not actually accomplishing it? sounds about right. you don’t get credit for lipservice.

              I was happy with the union busting changings though. but that is likely admin dependent.

              • @EmptySlime
                710 months ago

                No like, the IBEW workers actually have the sick days now. It’s like the first thing they say in the article I linked.

                Quote again:

                After months of negotiations, the IBEW’s Railroad members at four of the largest U.S. freight carriers finally have what they’ve long sought but that many working people take for granted: paid sick days.

                Then they thank the Biden administration specifically for helping them provide the pressure on the rail companies that helped them get the sick days. So yeah, breaking the strike was shitty but he at least didn’t leave them out to dry and helped them get what they wanted.

                The point about the NLRB changes being administration dependent is true. Which is a big part of what moved myself specifically from “Ugh… I guess I’ll hold my nose and vote for Biden because I don’t want the fascists to win,” to actually feeling like I had a reason to vote for him.

                Don’t get me wrong, fuck the DNC for deciding that there’s essentially not going to be a primary. We deserve the chance to pick someone better than Biden if we can find them. But if we can get 4 more years of the kinds of labor and union gains we’ve been seeing I think that’s worth voting for.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    10 months ago

    In the primaries, I supported progressive candidates like Sanders and Warren because I think their policy prescriptions would make for a better America. In the general, I voted for Biden. That was a harm-reduction vote.

    What I don’t like to hear, in the primary, is the ‘you have to vote for the candidate who can win’ line of argument, which begs the question it pretends to answer- if everyone who says “I’d vote for x but x can’t possibly win” just voted for x, x would actually win. This gives whoever tells you that “x can’t possibly win” the power to get you to give up on voting for what you want, which seems to wag the dog.

    In the general, between dem and gop control, it’s not a close contest for me; it’s between a party afraid to do progressive things the voters want and a party that will do whatever the fuck it wants no matter that nobody wants that.

    Yes, our electoral system of first-past-the-post demands that we hedge our bets and compromise in order to avoid the calamity of electing a fascist in this election cycle, but it’s hard to support with evidence the idea that what makes a progressive candidate “risky” isn’t just a self-fulfilling misperception that causes the party to spend (or not-spend) money to prevent progressives from becoming party nominees. After all, research consistently shows that politicians of both parties routinely overestimate the conservatism of the voters.

    I’m glad to see the Biden admin embracing the progressive changes it has been able to get to, but I’m also sooo tired of being told ‘we can’t nominate a progressive, they’ll be called a communist’ when no matter who we nominate they’ll be called a communist and decades of voting a harm-reduction ticket has rolled back much of the New Deal

      • BeautifulMind ♾️
        110 months ago

        It means that person does not have the votes to win.

        It means that people who want to vote a certain way are being pressured to vote a different way.

        This in turn means the way the votes went is not a measure of what people want, but rather of what they can be pressured into doing. These are different things, even if it’s convenient to dismiss it as a distinction without a difference.

          • BeautifulMind ♾️
            10 months ago

            No I read it, I just thought you missed my point and wanted to clarify

            The subtext of the point I was trying to make was about whether or not your politics leave people feeling understood or respected. NGL I wasn’t feeling either

        10 months ago

        someone needs to lay off the coolaid. OH NO public healthcare, education, and worker rights are DANGEROUS!

        610 months ago

        Oh yeah, those darn progressives are always telling people what is OK to stick where and into whom, and freaking out about bathrooms and sports teams. I find their desire for genital checks especially gross.

        It’s the conservatives who value individual freedom, privacy, and give each person the liberty to live how they want to, with whoever they want to. Just accepting people as they are without prejudice.

        Or maybe I’m completely fucking backwards on that…

    10 months ago

    I don’t get it, either. Unless and until we have something like ranked choice voting, purity ponies that lodge “protest votes” only help the fascists. And these purity ponies seem to revel in creating more division within the left (and create more Republicans in the process), wanting to excommunicate each other over ivory tower orthodoxy, with the Oppression Olympics being one of the more egregious versions of that…

    • GodlessCommie
      2910 months ago

      Even with ranked choice voting we will not support your war monger capitalist owned dinosaurs. A 3rd party vote is not the protest vote, voting against something like Democrats voting against Republicans is the protest vote. The act of voting for something like a 3rd party candidate is how democracy is supposed to work.

          • private_ruffles
            2610 months ago

            The time for that vote is in the primaries. THAT’S when you make your stand, have your protest, and try to move the party left. Otherwise you are ignoring someone that you agree with 50% of the time and helping someone you agree with 0% of the time.

          • prole
            910 months ago

            That’ll teach em!

            Too bad they’ll never have another chance when the GOP finally seizes power as they intend and finishes off what’s left of our democracy.

            But at least you made your point!

            • GodlessCommie
              210 months ago

              How many decades have we heard Democracy is on the line? Or Democracy is on the ballot? There is no democracy in the US, money has a say in our government and policy, the plebs do not. Youve been sold a bill of fear, and you paid full price for it

                • GodlessCommie
                  210 months ago

                  Thats not an indicator theres US democracy. Dems are just as crazy with stolen elections as republicans are.

                  Bet you dont remember the riots the night Trump was inaugurated do you?

            810 months ago

            This is exactly what I’m talking about. Keep putting more people in power that have zero interest in democracy and possibly plan to end it, and then…what?

        1710 months ago

        The act of voting for something like a 3rd party candidate is how democracy is supposed to work.

        Which is exactly why we need ranked choice voting because otherwise your not expressing your choices accurately. You should be allowed to vote for your candidate of choice and also pick your poison.

        Don’t fight against the one thing that will help third party candidates the most.

          410 months ago

          So much this…the Democratic Party is hardly perfect, and I don’t think even most Democrats would claim they are. But, again, the alternative, with the way we vote right now, is…what? Sitting this one out, hoping this time we’ll really show those corporate Democrats? Voting for the Greens, which is barely even a serious party in the United States, and probably is compromised anyway?

          What is the realistic option, I wonder? Sure, propose alternatives during the primary, but in the general…

        • zkfcfbzr
          210 months ago

          It’s still a bit of a Catch-22 for people who take your view. You think people should vote for the major party candidate they find least bad, while hoping for ranked choice voting so people can instead vote for the candidate they want most.

          But as long as everybody votes the way you do, the parties in power have no electoral incentive at all to change the voting system. It’s only when they start losing a significant portion of their voters to third parties that ranked choice starts being an appealing option to them.

          I say this as someone who voted Green in 2016 (Clinton state), learned my lesson, and voted for Biden in 2020 (Trump state) and will again in 2024. I’ve also been much happier with Biden’s presidency than I expected to be.

          I am a bit encouraged that ranked choice has seen some implementation lately anyways. Hopefully it’ll continue to spread. Anyone know if any new states are considering it soon?

        10 months ago

        voting against something like Democrats voting against Republicans is the protest vote

        And most of the “vote Dem or your fascist” people think political action is about voting rather than being the bare minimum. Democrat PACs fund fascist Republican candidate’s primary campaigns too so…

            10 months ago

            Well it depends on your own politics and goals so I can only speak from my own perspective. It’s a bleak time to be a socialist because we don’t have any political representation in NA really. The route I see is more mimicking what civil rights leaders were doing in the 50s-60s which was organizing labor unions. We don’t have a big cultural moment like they did though and the labor movement isn’t what it used to be, partly because of bipartisan views against it, union busting and policies watering it down, and we’re fragmented, there’s no class consciousness in today’s political dialogue. Huge demonstrations like the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (where the famous “I have a dream” speech was delivered), or direct actions like the freedom rides, I don’t think is really possible in today’s cultural setting.

            I think if you’re just a regular working person you can begin by organizing and trying to unionize your workplace, but even that has risks. Maybe that just means finding coworkers who share your sentiments, but ultimately it’s talking to people. I’m in a unionized workplace so what do I do next, I try and get involved and do what I can. I’ve also joined my workplace’s DEI committee to input more solidarity and political economy-aware notions of what that means opposed to the default corporate diversity industry’s ideas, I saw an opportunity there and it’s been very well received by some key coworkers… So assuming you’re doing what you can in your job setting, the one thing that will define your “success” in life, the embodiment of your relationship to capital and the economy. Next you can get involved politically. For me that has been things like canvassing for someone who was running for office who shared my political ideology and goals, for the most left wing party in my country. At one point a close friend ran for office so I got a glimpse of that world, and we were able to increase the party’s share of the popular vote in that riding, a highly contested riding between the dominant 2 parties who spend millions of dollars there, so we all considered that a success for a third party candidate there.

            I think meaningful political action is really about the context of your own life and what you’re able to do. No matter what it is, it really comes down to unglamorous work and talking to people. Maybe that’s collecting enough signatures for a motion against a proposed bylaw to be accepted by your municipality, canvassing your own representative by organizing people, volunteering for a candidate you agree with. It could be cultural too like supporting events and causes that your politics aligns with. I have a few direct actions I do personally on the environmental front which involve restoring habitats and bit of civil disobedience (not law-breaking). It’s all work though, it’s not about liking some social media post or saying “agree” under a post like this, that’s all meaningless distraction. Anything done online is meaningless basically.

      10 months ago

      The conditions that allow someone like Trump to come to power are manifested by the neoliberal policies extolled by the Democrat and Republican establishment, alike. Your party leaders are Reaganites/Thatcherites. The biggest policy win for Democrats in recent history was a Heritage Foundation plan that acts as a de facto subsidy to private health insurance.

      And most people do not live in swing states so most “protest votes” do nothing to tip the scales.

      creating more division within the left

      Liberalism isn’t the left.

      create more Republicans in the process

      Create more leftists, actually.

      ivory tower orthodoxy

      It’s the Democratic establishment that abhors populism and typically walks in ivory tower circles. Liberalism and neoliberalism are the dominant ideologies in the Ivy League schools, not socialism.

  • blazera
    3410 months ago

    Oh, because i support progressive people, not union busters

    • rz2000
      3110 months ago

      This president made an empty promise about continuing to work for paid sick leave after preventing a strike by railworkers at the end of 2022. Except, that it actually worked. Almost every union did get paid sick leave for its members within six months aided by continued pressure from the White House.

      He’s a pretty lousy union buster.

        2310 months ago

        “You can’t strike, but I will try to talk to your boss to get you some of what you desire” is still union busting. The union doesn’t have the power anymore.

      • Zorque
        1610 months ago

        Telling workers they can’t fight for their own rights, and have to wait for politicians to do it for them us not progressive, and its not pro-labor. It’s on a long list of swiftly festering bandages that only stave off death for a little while. If we don’t empower our workers, we stifle them. Even if we bribe them candy when they demand steak.

      • blazera
        1110 months ago

        I dont really blame you, theyve done quite the PR on this. There’s an electrical worker union, with a branch dealing with railroad electricians. They supported the pre-strike deal the railroad companies offered, they likely already had things like sick leave. If youve seen reports on reactions of rail workers to the post-strike-busting situation, you very likely only saw quotes from this union. Of electrical workers.

    3410 months ago

    Cause he’s a fuckin mummy John. We are tired of electing boomers that don’t understand fuckin computers.

    Selling us a tube TV in the year of flat screens.

    2610 months ago

    Look, I get the Dems are our only vehicle for Progressive policies becoming reality because I know we’re never going to move away from FPTP voting any time soon. I just don’t like having to go along with the same corporate greed. It feels very two steps forward, one step back.

    • SaltySalamander
      1910 months ago

      It feels very two steps forward, one step back.

      And it is. But that still equates to a step forward. Voting red is a legit step (or three) backwards.

      • phillaholic
        910 months ago

        Voting red is getting your legs broken so you can never step again. The fact that they tried a fucking coup thst every one of those motherfuckers would have gone with if successful should not be forgotten.

    2010 months ago

    They are prioritizing principles over practicality. Which is a great way to hand power to the greater evil.