Lately we have been dealing with a few abusive members from and we were unable to get in touch with the instance administrator.

Part of the problem is the instance’s open registrations which do not require you to enter an e-mail address during signup. This in combination with an inactive admin is a recipe for abuse.

We hope this is only temporary but we have to do this to protect our users.

Edit: we use fediseer, have a look

Edit 2: We got in touch with the admin. Email requirements were added to the sign-up process and we’re setting up a communication channel. So that means we are federating with again!

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    1 year ago

    Here in the States we have legislatures considering laws against LGBT+ content or even woke content, who are looking to ban the existence of trans folk. We’re also seeing law enforcement action against the distribution of anarchist propaganda which isn’t illegal but the judicial process doesn’t care until after shots are fired.

    So I, for one, regard a given state’s opinion on right or wrong to be a poor standard on which to base what is or is not appropriate content. This is something Fediverse instances will have to navigate by their own mores.