You’re very welcome! Word of warning, though, the rest of their stuff varies greatly. They do have a couple of songs I like a lot though!
In addition, if you’re looking for something similar to this song in particular, I recommend checking out Subcarpați - Pe Deal, În Văi, for instance. They follow that dark, heavy beat and the trippy progressions closer than most of everything else produced by Șuie. They also base a lot of their lyrics, structures and sampling on folkloric music from around our parts, can find something from each region!
Thank you so much! I think I like the lyrics; nonsensical/tongue-in-cheek yet still somehow subversive and socio-critical.
I’m checking them out now.
You’re very welcome! Word of warning, though, the rest of their stuff varies greatly. They do have a couple of songs I like a lot though!
In addition, if you’re looking for something similar to this song in particular, I recommend checking out Subcarpați - Pe Deal, În Văi, for instance. They follow that dark, heavy beat and the trippy progressions closer than most of everything else produced by Șuie. They also base a lot of their lyrics, structures and sampling on folkloric music from around our parts, can find something from each region!