You’re very welcome! Word of warning, though, the rest of their stuff varies greatly. They do have a couple of songs I like a lot though!
In addition, if you’re looking for something similar to this song in particular, I recommend checking out Subcarpați - Pe Deal, În Văi, for instance. They follow that dark, heavy beat and the trippy progressions closer than most of everything else produced by Șuie. They also base a lot of their lyrics, structures and sampling on folkloric music from around our parts, can find something from each region!
You’re very welcome! Word of warning, though, the rest of their stuff varies greatly. They do have a couple of songs I like a lot though!
In addition, if you’re looking for something similar to this song in particular, I recommend checking out Subcarpați - Pe Deal, În Văi, for instance. They follow that dark, heavy beat and the trippy progressions closer than most of everything else produced by Șuie. They also base a lot of their lyrics, structures and sampling on folkloric music from around our parts, can find something from each region!