I’m not judging, I’m genuinely curious whether anyone uses it. Because almost every text editor supports it yet when I use it, it’s just by accident and it messes up my document
I sometimes accidentally do this and then get angry that the feature exists
I thought this was a shit post at first because same
Geez, no. No, no, a thousand times no.
Frequently when I’m making lists and I am reorganizing the order.
Or I’m wiritng a recipe and get the directions in the wrong order.
Sometimes I’m writing an article and I move sentences around to improve the flow of the article.
I use it occasionally when reorganizing code. It’s easier to just drag and drop blocks of code than to ctrl-x ctrl-v. I don’t do it for anything in the middle of a line though, because it seems too easy to make a mistake.
I use it at work sometimes because our help desk randomly started crashing when I pasted into it from OneNote, but dragging the text from OD into the text box works for some reason.
I use it a lot.
No. But who talks about this kind of thing?
Only within a web browser, generally to drag something from a page to the search bar
adults in computer classes/training use this all. the. time. I see it everyday
I have ulnar nerve damage so when i hit ctrl+c/x/v i often don’t quite depress C/X or V fully without thinking about it. So i use drag text quite often.
I’ve only very rarely had drag text misfire unintentionally.
I very often mark the word or text and drag and drop it to the top of the browser, so it starts instantl a search about this.
Way faster than using many extra steps
Is this using a PC? Maybe I would.
If this is from a smartphone… I wouldn’t I guess… I often prefer to retype than dealing with the select text feature… It seems I get the same experience in the most recent mobile OS that I had when I used my iPod Touch 4G a lot of years ago, why does it feel that this feature hasn’t even evolved? I can’t be the only one that feels it is terrible to use, I prefer to use the keyboard gestures than dealing with it.
I use it on desktop when I’m trying to rephrase something I’ve written to make my meaning more clear or improve the flow.