Except for Willis.
A shitload of early games only method of defeating the player was simply to be come more difficult or faster until the player ran out of lives, especially during the early years of video games in the ‘70s and ‘80s. This is not a feature unique to Tetris at all.
The only real difference is Tetris’ longevity, which has far outlasted the Soviet Union it originated from.
Not true. A few months ago, a kid played Tetris until it crashed. Technically beating the game.
When you quit the game, you lose. When the game quits instead, you win.
In Russia the game quits you.
Summoning Salt has a great video about it, if you have 2 hours to kill.
I watched that video when it came out and it sent me down a rabbit hole of speed running and gaming retrospectives that was so deep I now can’t even sleep without my gaming videos. I don’t even play games and haven’t in many years but I’m so deep in the shit now even my daughter questions my watching habits wondering why I watch this stuff but don’t actually play.
Ah the ole summoning salt a roo. I feel like we’ve all been down a similar rabbit hole. I went down one with one of his many Mike Tysons punch out videos lol
I know more about Mario Kart 64 shortcuts now than at any time during when I was actually playing the game.
No he glitched it on purpose. classic tetris game doesn’t stop. it goes forever until you lose.
however after certain level there is specific glitch that stops the game and it’s up to you can choose to not do it and play forever, or get multiple chances to delay it few more levels then do it to glitch and crash the game. That’s as close as you can get to “beating” the game
More recently, by avoid the crash states, “rebirth” has been achieved, which is where the level overflows and wraps all the way back to level 0.
So, true. The game is infinite unless you screw up and die
eta: timestamped link
Fittingly, hacking the system to one’s advantage is part of the Russian mindset too.
You can finish the game by hitting a memory overflow bug very far in the game under specific conditions. Just look up finishing Tetris…
In the NES version, yeah
Everybody talking about Scooty “beating” the game but nobody is talking about the story. There is a story. You are building a missile silo with bricks. The lines aren’t disappearing, the camera is scrolling up. It was the Cold War. It makes sense.
I have no official documentation of this.
A lot of people talking about the arcade component, but Tetris was the original shareware. It was a phenomena that spread through the USSR until it touched a British entrepreneur. It didn’t even keep score originally.
I am the man that arranges the blocks
That decend upon me from up. Above.
They come down and I spin them around
Till they fit in the ground like hand. In. Glove.
I am the man that arranged the blocks
That are made by the men. in. Kazakhstan.
they come two weeks late.
and they dont tesselate.
so much for the leaders five. year. plan.
My grandpa once told me a story
Of when he worked in the bycicle factory
And the delivery of bike chains didn’t come in
So for producing. enough. bikes.
They took the chains from the finished products
And brought the dismembered and the new bicycle. into. storage.
Another one on the list for the five year plan.
Weren’t high score games a staple of arcades long before tetris?
The whole reason to put ASS in the scoreboard, so yes.
I am ASS.
Yeah, that post tried maybe a little too hard to portray high score games as always losing. You win, if you get a better score than before or whatever score you’re happy with. Of course, this requires setting challenges for yourself on which to grow, so it could only ever have come from turbo-capitalist 'Merica …or something.
False. I’ve won, you just need to be good enough to become a Tetris Master. Keep practicing! ;)
I was with them until the last sentence, like what a weird takeaway.
Right? A lot of games have no win condition it was just to see how far you could get. Already saw some good examples on the comments, but pacman is another one. There is the kill screen but that’s just cause the game wasn’t made to go that long.
But it was actually made in the Soviet Union. Don’t trust me though, I’m terrible with history.
Lib boomer meme.
You know the russophobia/anticommunism/fashism is bad on Lemmy when literally nobody mentions it in 80+ comments and this nonsense is upvoted 700 times.
The power of the bogeyman is strong here.
Yeah, russophobia is when out of 80+ comments no one mentions that author may have implied some bad connotations for Soviet Union. To decrease the amount of anticommunism under this fascist post, everyone repeat after me:
Through days dark and stormy, where great Lenin led us… and I forgot the lyrics.
TIL Tetris is from USSR. Aswell as that the pieces in it are called tetrominos.
This was cool as well: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt12758060/
Check out Gaming Historian’s excellent video on the creation of Tetris! https://youtu.be/_fQtxKmgJC8
Tetris is like a drug.
Drugs are like tetris
Tetris drug like are
The original roguelike
Rogue came out in 1980, while Tetris came out 4 years later in 1984. Some nice bit of trivia there.
Tetris 99. It’s like racing side by side with 98 other Sisyphuses to see who can get their boulder up the hill most efficiently.