I think there are very few decisions he could make that would be more likely to trigger a massive political uprising. Fuck around and find out, I suppose.
You say that, but watch the bootlickers blame this on liberals and minorities for committing too much “fraud.”
i thought the streets would be flooded over roe v. wade but nope
Yeah, if they think these town halls with people screaming at them are bad, they are not going to like what happens if they actually activate all the deranged ‘keep your government hands off my Medicare’ conservatives against them.
I fucking dare you.
Do it. I’ll get the popcorn.
Bunch of fucking bullies
“iF i CaN’t hAvE iT tHeN nObOdY cAn”
He’s acting like a literal fucking toddler. My 3 year old acts better than this.
There’s a reason he wants that data so much — and it’s definitely nefarious.
Shocked I tell ya shocked!
Doge doing something stupid again