The “land of the free” now has government approved haircuts. It really is great again.
Regulating haircuts is something they do in North Korea. And the US these days, apparently.
“Your right to free speech ends when you call someone else the name they want you to call them and it makes me uncomfortable” sounds like a line from a comedy sketch.
deleted by creator
A deliberate misreading of this headline would be pretty funny if it were an Onion article…
This is definitely against the first amendment
Its a state bill proposed in arkansas. The headline is purposely worded to sound as scary as possible to as many people as possible.
list the name of the national party to hide the fact this is limited to one state only.
if this passes it will not affect you unless you unless you live in arkansas, and decide to get your child a haircut in the week and half this bill will have before its struck down by the state courts.
New fear unlocked; hair being forcibly shaved and not growing back 😬
north corea type of shit
Oh so we’re going full EL Salvador here