They gotta put people in jail to get their legal slavery. USA has always been and still is built on the backs of slaves.
Abolish the 13th
Get ready for that to go even higher with the christofascist laws!
I don’t understand the point they’re making with the comparison here (I do agree with the post’s sentiment).
340,000,000 * 20% = 68,000,000
1,400,000,000 * 16% = 224,000,000
So China still has way more imprisoned by a factor of 4 even though the post is trying to paint America as worse with this stat. Could someone maybe shed some light on what I’m missing here?
It’s not percent of their respective populations, it’s percent of the total global prison population.
Yikes. I knew it was bad, but goddamn.
That’s the point of the post. It’s so bad you can’t even believe it.
I saw a story about an elderly man who had cancer. His son was looking after his yard for him, as he couldn’t do it but his son had to go away for a month or two. Anyway, he got sent to court because his garden was unruly since his son was away. The judge said, and I quote “you should be ashamed of yourself. If i could give you prison time for this, I would.” Tells you everything you need to know about America’s “justice” system.
How is “unruly garden” anything that needs to concern a judge in the first place?
The pie chart is not percent of a countries population. It’s percent of total imprisoned people in the top twelve countries all together.
I think you’re misreading the pie chart
Bad America incarcerates 541 out of every 100,000 people.
China incarcerates 118 out of every 100,000 people.
Here’s a global per capita list of the worst countries:
There’s not a single other developed nation on the chart on that page. Also, what the hell is happening in El Salvador?
Yeah, El Salvador is having a bad time. If you’re curious, this one hour documentary shows some pretty dark shit.
Ignore the downvotes. Some people think that admitting confusion or ignorance is a sign of weakness, and therefore a thing to be despised.
It takes backbone to admit you don’t understand something.
It’s weird that people will downvote a simple misunderstanding, especially one that’s so easy to make if you just glance at the graphs and charts. Fortunately, blahaj doesn’t support downvotes, so we don’t give nor see them.
To be fair unless the message is edited to clarify the misunderstanding then it’s just promoting the misunderstanding at the top level and the correct thing to do is to drive it further down because it’s wrong.
A clarifying edit would be helpful and people would react accordingly
It adds to the conversation and is a question others may share and it helps the answers to it rise to the top of the conversation.
Also lemmings have shown little ability to recognize and change vote patterns and will continue to vote on the already perceived consensus.
That is a fair counter-perspective
Brazil in 3rd :(
Been a problem here for several decades.