Ah yes, the ones who therafter enslaved their women. Fuck em.
Tbh that is a full glass of wine… it’s not supposed to be filled all the way
3 day special military operation… Two invasions? Yea Chechnya wants a word
Any time the “anti-terror” police does work? The russian demographies maybe? Or the fact that outside of the oil russian real growth has been sinking?
Putin is a dick-tator. He thought the EU would back down on Ukraine, he “read his cards” incorrectly.
He’s having to beg china for help since the russian industry would collapse without their assistance.
The really important point here is that idiots are very capable of doing extreme harm. And we need to take it seriously even if they are stupid, just don’t portray them as something they are not.
Buy bots to spread all the anti-establishement narratives? Spread misinformation of all kinds just to see what sticks? It’s not really a 5d chess move. It’s just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks. Even getting lucky with it.
You know how musk got to his position by being rich? Putin got to his position by being born into upper politicial class and getting a cushy kgb job in the soviet era
Then he won an election by promising to give his new oligarch friends a lot of stuff for their sponsoring of his campaign.
Let’s not go back to pretending Putin is smart again please. They are both bloated, arrogant pieces of shit that surround themselves with yes men and don:t care for reality until it hits them in the head.
Kan jo starte å kutte henne da, og få tilbakebetalt utdanning, subsidiering o.l. som hu fikk før vi kan kutte noe annet
That is leaving out the reason the movie isn’t cloessly following the book. It’s facistic. Like very much so.
Yes, which is the only metric that seemingly the world and it’s news care about…
Not the fact that by doing this Russia has destroyed it’s vast military equipment reserves from the Sovietunion, gutted it’s navy, airforce and so forth
But yes, it is quite unfortunate - especially as it is giving putin the means to dictate the “ceasefire” that his lapdog (trump) is giving him
I was just enjoying reading the comments, but “Reality of war has a Russian bias at the moment”?
Are you talking of their casuality rates, their supplies now donkey run, their loss of artillery firing advantage, their demographics or many more
Or are you talking about the few kilometeres they have crawled into ukraine this year? You know, the literally slower than a snail pace they’re going.
(I don’t know nothing about the source’s bias or anything there tho)
While I approve of the intent; there isn’t 3 ideologies there 😅 one in the middle is just rainbow, so some queer representation.
Hurr hurr most likely as it is closely aligned with the R word, and the jokes that came with it
Hacen’t seen a functional nitter instance in ages, which are you using?
I thought these guys were supposed to be left wing? Not neoliberals “cutting” by gutting things?
Ah, “described by the thesis of James Cross” means that’s the author, did not interpret that.
I can’t speak for polcomball’s wiki but I wish you good luck in forming and having a community for Soulism.
There is plenty of anarchism on Lemmy, if anti-authority is your primary need/goal 🥰
Duckduckgo bruker bing, duckduckgo er bare et mellomledd som ikke gir din privatinfo til microsoft
“This is true, and this is false - source: me?”
The paper doesn’t seem to be credited? Anyways, ideology is inherently fictional as it is an ideal, not reality. It’s theories on how a society could function.
If Soulism is not a theory on how society could function then is it not just a description of how a society functions?
It feels as if this is an argument that soulism is “better” but if so then it’s trying to compete in fields ideology is not attempting to compete
EU som ikke kan kaste ut Ungarn. EU som har mussulini sitt parti i regjering i Italia… og Frankrike
Jeg ville ikke knytta meg nærmere EU når det.politiske landskapet ser sånn ut.
You can often find torrents around for sacd’s or dvdaudio - but there isn’t any good place as far as I know
Not to mention a LOT of surround music is mixed terribly, with the exception of a few individuals. Steven wilson does amazing surround mixes, and has remixed several commercial releases