A tesla is well within the range of affordable for a working class person. Someone with a decent job will be making 100k, and it’s not hard to get a Tesla on that budget.
Working class does not mean poor. It means people who work for their living. You have frontline manual labor workers who make over 100k and you dare suggest that just because they put in the work to unionize, that they aren’t working class?
A tesla is well within the range of affordable for a working class person. Someone with a decent job will be making 100k, and it’s not hard to get a Tesla on that budget.
100k would put you right in the middle class. a working class person is going to be making less than like 65k a year and supporting a family on that.
Working class does not mean poor. It means people who work for their living. You have frontline manual labor workers who make over 100k and you dare suggest that just because they put in the work to unionize, that they aren’t working class?