(I find parts of the fanfic bit by bit and copy/paste what I can find)

Remember that all they’re doing are kissing, these are minors. They are 15, I was 15 and therefore this story isn’t sexual.


the butterflies were back, but this time, not with excitement. steve anticipated what snot was going to do. make out with him? right here, right now?

snot grabbed his shoulder, his eyes intensifying, but then quickly pulled it away, thrusting his hand in the air.

“mr. brink!” said snot.

mr. brink didn’t seem too busy and went right over to their table. “what is it?”

“i need to go to the bathroom.”

he nodded in approval. “you may go.”

steve waited for a little while as snot remained in the bathroom. he knew if he went right alongside snot, everyone would know something was up.

he started bouncing his leg up and down impatiently. ugh. i really have to ask him so i can see what snot wanted.

so he too raised his hand, and mr. brink came over.

“i need to go as well,” whispered steve.

“okay. be quick. maybe you can check on snot.”

why didn’t i think of that instead of saying i needed to go to the bathroom? “will do, mr. brink.”

steve opened the door to find no one besides snot, standing alone.

“oh, good,” sighed snot. “we’re alone. and i can finally give you more… attention.”

steve felt his stomach drop to his knees. “wh–what does that MEAN?!”

“come by the wall.” his voice was more intense and commanding than usual. “i’ll show you.”

steve cautiously backed up against the wall and snot followed, cornering him.

“are you MAD at me? going to ATTACK me? what’s going–”

snot put a finger to steve’s lips. “shut up.”

steve felt the color come back to his cheeks and his heart started to flutter. somehow he knew he wasn’t in danger.

snot grabbed his shoulders, pinning him to the wall, so steve and snot looked at each other. right. in. the eyes.

“close your eyes,” snot demanded, in a quiet and breathy voice. steve did. “i have a surprise.”

steve wondered what the “surprise” was, but when he felt something wet and soft on his lips, he knew.

steve’s body went tense. he certainly wasn’t expecting THIS.

after snot’s lips were on his for a while, though, steve started to relax, and was really feeling the mood.

steve felt a rush of courage and placed his hands on snot’s waist, gladly kissing back.

  • rico (he/him)
    5 hours ago

    you should publish the whole thing and upload it to wattpad, ao3, etc.