I would be much meaner to a girl who acted like this.
honestly, same, even tho im a dude.
Ashlyn sucks.
i agree, she seems like a mess and a handful…
this account is mainly for posting lgbt content not accessible thru other accs, but now it’s an alt
bi, poly
1st gf: lemmy acc coming soon
2nd gf: @alexsystem@lemmings.world
I would be much meaner to a girl who acted like this.
honestly, same, even tho im a dude.
Ashlyn sucks.
i agree, she seems like a mess and a handful…
you should publish the whole thing and upload it to wattpad, ao3, etc.
i believe it’s completely okay as long as it’s not against your OWN morals. lots of people draw nsfw art. as long as it’s not really weird or promoting anything gross (which it isn’t), it’s completely okay!!
art is a form of expression, and if you want to express sexual fantasies, go for it! some people will get mad at art depicting 18+ content (murder, violence, sex) but it’s a form of expression, honestly.
also, my gf makes comics sometimes and plans to possibly draw nsfw as a woman drawing other women.
right-wingers and christians certainly will find it immoral, but as a queer person, i think this is okay
also known for exaggerating, giving vague explanations, not able to identify people and messing up timing on things
i learned in school that sources who do this are often not trusted. it’s very hard to believe someone who does this stuff anyway.
Lena’s confusion makes me wonder if half of the stuff even happened, and if it did, possibly not in the way Ashlyn tried to convince her it did.
most likely not. manipulative people are known for gaslighting and twisting stories.
Due to Ashlyn being vague a lot, Lena will ask her what she’s talking about and Ashlyn will get mad and insult her
I’ve also observed that people say that Ashlyn’s interactions and reasons to be angry at people is often odd and not natural, with stories often exaggerated and fabricated like I already said to prove a point.
if i’m not wrong, people with npd are neurodivergent, and neurodivergent people often have different perceptions and interactions than neurotypical people.
Most people Lena talks to don’t even seem to be too fond of Ashlyn and say Lena was far kinder/more respectful than Ashlyn was, ever.
from the conversation given, hell yes.
reaction to photos:
ashlyn’s responses seem exaggerated to an extent, and VERY rude. she appears to not be able to communicate maturely while lena is more respectful and essentially would appear to be attacking lena almost at this point.
and if she’s talked to people already and they’ve said it isn’t true and actually like her, then ashlyn is a queen bee jerk who wants to tear relationships apart just because SHE doesn’t like lena.
and “i’m just not interested anymore” sounds reasonable if she’s dating ashlyn (which she probably isn’t) but ashlyn seems like the type to be friends with someone and then leave them and treat them badly because she loses interest and finds reasons to not like them.
ever heard of the plastics from mean girls? this is what ashlyn’s gonna become if she continues to act like this, and she will eventually lose her group of friends if she continues to be an ass. one day, her true colors will be revealed and almost no one will like her. ashlyn is the queen bee regina george, and her friends are gretchen and karen (and lena would appear to be cady).
i know you don’t know me, but i have autism, adhd, and bipolar. i support you and others, and i don’t lie about my feelings. also, the girl is ignorant. having a mental illness doesn’t make you a creep, and bipolar =/= aspd, but i wouldn’t use “psychopath” as an insult for someone who has it.
he can, this is so relaxing. it’s barely a snore
oh shit… i’d say give her some time, she’s upset because you like someone else, i’d assume. also, i’d be upset too if my gf was romantic to me, then said she was breaking up because she liked someone else.
i saw your post asking if she even liked you that way. well, if she’s that upset to the point she won’t talk to you, then she definitely does. if i liked someone a little bit, i’d be a bit sad. if i had no feelings, i wouldn’t mind, and if i liked someone a LOT, I’d have a breakdown
ok, and you told her to stop talking about what was on her mind. she was probably upset by that, too, she was asking a genuine question about the relationship.
it is the first one
no se si tiene correlación pero el escritor podría ser un fan del programa “american dad” porque bullock dice la misma cosa cuando dispara los mejores amigos de stan (quiere ser el único amigo de stan)
veré lo que dice en el doblaje español
dice “quédense ahí” (pero en ruso, dice “muere todos”)
eso es lo que dije también
this phrase doesn’t exist, as far as i’m aware. it probably just means “die” or something.
wydaje się niepotrzebne i czasami irytujące. czuję się jak tylko jest dla osób, które mówią po polsku i po angielsku
często widzę to w reklamach ale po angielsku i po hiszpańsku w tym samym zdaniu (spanglish)
He is sleeping beauty 😜
É meio velho e já te baniram do site mas…
Primeiro, Lisa e Elena são melhores amigas mas Lisa flerta com o namorado dela?? Acho que Lisa precisa encontrar outras pessoas, esse menino já está namorando. Entendo estar ciumento de alguém ou estar apaixonado com o parceiro do seu amigo mas não flerte com ele.
A coisa que tinham a Lisa e o Nicky parece que amor típico da adolescência. Nicky já não gosta de Lisa e acho que é uma perda de tempo pensar do mesmo garoto. Lisa sabe se Nadya gosta dela como Lisa gosta de Nadya?
Poderia ser uma ideia ruim namorar com uma ex mas acho que se elas são amigas próximas (sem mencionar o fato de que o relacionamento delas era um da 6a/7a série, então não era tão sério), o relacionamento vai estar bem. Mas tem a outra coisa de se Nadya gosta de Lisa ou quer namorar com ela? É possível que ela é como Nicky é já não gosta dela.
Se Nadya trata Lisa como as outras amigas dela, mesmo se ela flerta com Lisa, poderia ser ela sendo boba ou brincando com ela. E se Nadya te trata diferentemente, é POSSÍVEL que gosta de você.
Boa sorte, espero que volte quando tiver 18 anos!! Talvez Nadya será sua namorada!!
the quiet kind x3
what a babe
also, maybe i’m misunderstanding something, but from what i’ve seen, this user has also gotten mad at someone for saying lesbians generally aren’t attracted to men and then said someone was a “mess” with no further explanation nor advice on a post asking for advice when the person clearly was in a bad spot
this lady would be asleep, wake up, and tell people she doesn’t need to sleep