If they want to hurt Tesla, attacking their customers’ cars won’t help
It deters new customers. If a particular brand of car has a target painted on it. Either for ridicule, vandalism or destruction. Who is going to want a car like that? Besides, in terms of quality Tesla has been long surpassed by the incumbents anyway.
But it will prevent new customers!
but it contains potassium benzoate
So it will help?
Whatever you may think of Tesla or Muskrat, vandalising a persons vehicle is a pathetic move.
Exactly the opposite of Luigi, not even a Tesla dealership but gravely punishing the lowest in the food chain. Not to mention the environmental harm it causes.
Whoever does this is a coward.Germany has the right idea about Nazis. Never again
Yeah, sure. Just don’t look at the last election results.
Are you purposely malicious or just stupid? AfD, extreme violence against protesters supporting Gaza, currently being tried in the ICC alongside Israel and britian. Germany and clearly most of western Europe and America ike Nazis and have for a long time because the they were the inspiration for the Nazis
Fight Nazis by random arson against random citizens property
Sure they’re on the right side /s
On several occasions there was no need of setting them on fire, happening by itself. Lithium is a metal that is very reactive, it is sufficient oveloading, or puncture a battery to cause an explosion.
Don’t these climate pigs know how shitty it is for the environment when an electric car burns? They must have been right-wing radicals!
I’m waiting for the same happening to the other famous nazi carmakers, like Ford or Volkswagen.
Just pay your deductible and you get those
dmarksfat Euros without the hassle of trying to sell a car nobody wants! Genius!dmarks?
Deutsche marks. Money.
You are aware they’re using the euro?
Duhr, maybe if I thought about it yea. Lol