I once drank soylent before going partying, and I didn’t have to use the bathroom at all.
That was really good because taking off my outfit to use the bathroom sucks.
Building upon that, if I just kept drinking soylent, I could party non-stop without bathroom breaks.
So how many days can my digestive system, and body, handle being on a soylent only diet?
Will my guts atrophy?
I did ~1.5 years of only Soylent, then transitioned into 2/3 meals per day being Soylent, which I’ve done for the last ~6-7yrs.
I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been, but it does require discipline, exercise and attention like anything else. Calories are calories and if you consume more than you burn, you’ll poop a lot and gain weight. If you drink at a significant deficit (my 1.5years was at 1200kcal/day) you will poop once or twice a week and it will take a few months of your body getting used to it for it to be more than liquid.
As others have said though, it’s a deceptively dehydrating liquid. You absolutely still need to drink water, and your water intake will largely dictate how much you pee.