Nope, your World looks like this:
Now stop dallying and get to work.
Walls? What company is this?
Looks a lot like the cubes at my old company. Fun Fact, as far as I know, i was the first employee to ever build a roof for my cubical. It took them months to notice because of my out of the way location…
Hahahaha get a load of this guy. He thinks he gets to retire ahahahhahaha
65? What Utopian country is that?
In Germany it’s work until you die. Boomers chill from 65. We will work well into our 70s 💅
In Sweden it’s 62-65.
In Finland it’s 65-68, however retirement system is likely to collapse before my actual retirement age, so I “retired” last summer at 28.
How do you do that?
in finland you can choose not to work or do anything, and the government pays you just enough so you can eat and have a roof over your head
Look at Richie McMoneybags over here living in his Socialist utopia where he doesn’t have to keep working until he keels over dead on the clock.
Don’t worry, we’re working on making the earth look WAY shittier so you can work your 9-5 without worrying about missing out on anything.
This. A lot of the earth doesn’t look like this. And a lot of normal jobs are actively making it worse. Like, unfortunately you don’t need to work for Nestle to be a part of that.
I’m not blaming any minimum wage worker at Amazon or retail or in factories of course. They got no choice. We live in a system where unemployment is ultimately better for the planet than a significant portion of jobs.
Corporations have figured out how to make indentured servitude look good and reasonable with your credit card debt, taxes you can’t evade like they can, bills and healthcare “benefits” added to your permanent and relentless tab alongside meager time off so the C suites can fly on private jets, lobby against your livelihood and hope you are none the wiser bc most ppl are.
The purpose of life is to sit in a cubicle and work to destroy this for the sake of shareholder profits. It’s a very efficient system
Sacrifice more time on this planet to the global suicide machine, so you can buy toys
Ooo! I like toys
Until 65? Good luck with that.
Even in countries that aren’t so dystopian yet that people are retiring at an older age than that, it’ll sure be the case by the time us millennials and zoomers retire
Mom just retired at 70. On her feet working for society for 50 years. Now she hobbles around home with the help of a walker. She’ll spend the last 5-10 years of her life hanging out at home, with her only trips being to the doctor’s office.
Because this is all a scam to burn the lives of average people so the wealthy can live better than any kings from antiquity ever did.
And our fates will be the same, or worse, if we don’t eat these motherfuckers.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t want to live that long. Whenever the time feels right, I want to “retire” with whatever savings I might have, and ride it out until going out on my own terms. When that time feels right, I don’t know, but it’ll come.
I’m on that mixing heroin into my daily life in my 60s retirement plan. If I make it that long. To quote AJJ, “I smoke like a fucking chimney, I declare war on my body!”
I’ll punch my ticket when I’m done.
67 for most now until they increase it again or worse, and dangling the extras if you stay until 70.
Many won’t be able to go to places like this at that point, neither physically or financially, and it might even be gone due to climate. I can think of many fixes to this system, but none work because they would go against the way things work, and the machine must keep rolling.
Not suicidal, but if I have to work much past that I’ll consider the exit bag.
Yeah, that nice greenery has another 15, 20 at tops.
People used to have more free time. But today we have graphics cards.
I don’t know that many people who can afford a graphics card anymore though.
I don’t think anyone has the time anymore to enjoy their graphic cards they already own.
9-5? More like 8-5 at a minimum wherever I’ve been at.
Fuck I’m so glad my country has good unions
9-5 is a dream.
Doing the bare minimum of responsibilities/hygiene my weekdays are 7am-630pm so once I’m settled I get maybe 2-3 hours to eat and do something fun. Assuming there isn’t anything I need to do around the house.
Also those leisure hours are “fun” while I mentally prepare for the next day’s beatings.
Saturday is a burner day to recover, Sunday is all chores and errands to get ready for the next 5 days.
It sure is grim when I type all that out.
I’m in the same boat too. Honestly I don’t think this will get better. The grind never stops. I am thinking to consider moving to jobs which are at least interesting to me since I’m going to spend 70%(might be more if math done properly) of my rest of my life working, might as well it be interesting or fun to me. Idk if I can pull it off.
I feel you. I never thought I’d get out of retail management and landed a sweet operations job that pays well. The downside is it’s a small company so I do everything. I’m good at it and it’s stimulating, but I’m accountable for so many things and people that it’s been really wearing me down for the last few years, I’m at 11/10 effort almost every day.
I could find something else but it probably won’t pay as well, and likely wouldn’t be any better for my health. Doesn’t hurt to look though, right?
I just want to contribute and do good work and enjoy my life.
Don’t forget getting ready for work and commuting.
This beautiful landscape is missing a Walmart with a 600 car parking lot.
The worst part is that parking lot is probably mandatory per city regulations. We should abolish parking mandates country wide! (and you can help too, see
yes, instead of scrounging for berries when you’re 75 and dying of an infected wound from when you fell over on that mountain
What culture sent wounded elders out to forage for berries?
do you see any other houses out there? My man’s willing to forgo work (not even just capitalist work for a bastard, just work) to be out there in the wilderness.
Good luck with the bears!
meme says 9-5 until you’re 65. so i think they are specifically talking about capitalist work for a bastard. idk, I guess we’re not on the same page about what the purpose of “work” is and if survival counts as work
i think OP just wants a society that doesn’t value work for profit and doesn’t view survival as something to be meted out by an upper class based on how you please them, but maybe im projecting.
sure, but I’m emphasising “world looks like this” more. If op gets their wish, survival won’t be meted out by an upper class, it’ll be meted out by the mercy of bears and other animals, the mercy of the seasons, and the mercy of the ability of their surroundings to consistently provide them with food.
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Oh boi 🤦♂️
There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s life in the face of work that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. I was crazy and could be not working. All i had to do was ask; and as soon as i did, i would no longer be crazy and would have to work more. I would be crazy to work more and sane if i didn’t, but if i was sane i had to work. If i work i was crazy and didn’t have to; but if i didn’t want to i was sane and had to.
Looks like glacier national Park
Don’t forget your copious amounts of insect repellent.
You won’t need that anymore as insects have been in a steady decline