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She is legit.
Anybody but the traiterous incumbant Gavin Newsom, who just threw trans people under the bus.
Don’t forget when he helped clear homeless camps with the cops.Been garbage since he was mayor of SanFran with an equally garbage DA. Remember those days? I do. Three Strikes disproportionately harmed people of color and sex workers, especially the trans ones, by design.
I like Newsom, I assume he’s reflecting the popular anti-trans public opinion (70-80% in favor of banning trans men from women’s sports) rather than his own.
But I will be voting for Porter, duh.
I think you mean trans women…?
I’ll vote for her over Harris any day.
Oh I’m so voting for her again.
Katie Porter is one of the very few good guys. She’d be a terrific governor for California, so I expect the Democratic Party will do all they can to oppose her.
If she isn’t the Dem nominee she should still run. I think we could put a progressive in here in CA.
California has jungle primaries where the top two (usually both Democrats) go on to contest the general election iirc…
It allows me to remain registered as a Republican but vote liberal every election. I just don’t know how you change affiliation at this point. And I don’t care after so long.
It allows me to register as independent so I don’t get constantly and endlessly harassed with spam from the DNC.
Yep, one of the funnier end results seems to be the gradual recreation of the Progressive Republicans at least in my area. Though it should be noted they are still small and being actively ignored but the rest of the Republicans.
Harris is going to run and don’t you know this was her promised consolation prize. So sorry progressives, maybe in a 100 years when everyone in line in front of you dies?
Has she confirmed? I haven’t seen anything yet. Amy did well enough in the senate race. But she won’t beat Kamala if she runs. The power has shifted to NorCal/Bay area politicians to win elections.
She hasn’t confirmed yet but that’s how the corporate political caste does things. They use the “soft announcement” to start testing messaging and campaign ideas. Then when they publicly decide they’re actually running they can denounce anything from before that.
Another corporate pawn in progressive clothing. Her whiteboard can’t erase her voting record.
Yes please!!
I’m on board if she brings a whiteboard and schools people after putting forth actual legislation based on real data. She’ll be amazing in any political seat she is elected to.
Why yes, there does seem to be a plastic-democrat that urgently needs replacing. Good on her!
All she has to do is tell me she’s not going to fuck over consumers with regards to solar to protect regionally monopolistic power conglomerates who are literally killing people due to old equipment in wild fire corridors. Fuck Gavin Newsome.
I would love to see PG&E get their asses handed to them.
Eh, they just pass all the pain on to consumers
you’re not imagining a wide enough ass kicking here. i want them take over by the state lol
Oh, in that case I suppose they should be allowed to continue killing people.
Look corporations are people, which obviously means we can’t hold the humans operating them responsible…
hmmm, seems clunky. I’m not sure that will work as a very good slogan.
Do you have a shorter way of saying it without miscommunicating your overall message?
Just take the last sentence, people will fill in the rest with their own grievances with him. Maybe his hair cut, always looks like he swam there.
He’s got a good chance because she’s extremely popular outside of core Democratic hubs. Ita going to be a question of if she is willing to buck the system. Frankly, after the ratfucking of 2024, I think she could make real waves running as an independent; as a Democrat she’ll be open to the same weaknesses as we saw in the 2024 campaign.:DNC power brokers will quite litterally support fascists in their ability to win elections rather than have their own power challenged.
In California they don’t do partisan primaries for state office. It will be her versus Harris the entire way no matter what she writes down for party affiliation.
Go Katie I will vote for you.
Vice President Harris or Rep. Porter would both be fantastic!
I’d love to see Katie Hill make a comeback too.
Harris wasn’t good in the 2020 primary, she wasn’t good as vice president, and she wasn’t good in the 2024 race where she lost all of democracy to the guy the California governor would now be responsible for standing up to. She’s not our designated champion anymore, we don’t need to pretend she’s a superstar politician destined for great things.
I remember her from WAY before being VP, and they aren’t good memories. California, late 80s, early 90s. Prosecuting sex workers, many of them trans. The Three Strikes law was the love of her life back when the Senator from Mastercard (how many remember that nickname?) was wasting Congress’ time with steroids in baseball.