Original comic by Mattie Lubchanski

Description: A four panel comic

panel 1: a group of people playing a tabletop game. SOME GUY WHO LOOKS SUSPICIOUSLY LIKE MATTIE BUT A LONG TIME AGO sits next to the DM.
SGWLSLMBALTA: Okaaaay, so! The new character I rolled out is a 6’3" half-orc sorceress. Excited to get playing!
DM: Playing a girl again, huh.

PANEL 2: two other players.
PLAYER 2: Can you just come out already? We’re supportive.
PLAYER 3: Waiting for you to transition is taking forever.

PANEL 3: SGWLSLMBALTA looks off to the side. Shot over the DM’s shoulder.
SGWLSLMBALTA: Hmm? I don’t understand what you are all possibly talking about! “Come out.” Good one.

PANEL 4: The DM and the two other players contemplate death while SGWLSLMBALTA speaks off-panel.
SGWLSLMBALTA: Anyway…She was actually born a PRINCE! of the realm, but was CURSED by a WIZARD to be a girl…

  • First Majestic CometM
    18 hours ago

    On the other, yikes on that blatant violation of the prime direggtive

    Yeah those aren’t great friends, also no one should try to force or coerce someone to transitioning if and when they aren’t ready.