Mine is Gladiator. The Disney Tarzan soundtrack is great too. What are your favorite soundtracks?
Tron Legacy
The Crow
Shrek 2
Sucker Punch
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is my absolute fav.
Haven’t seen anyone mention Cinema Paradiso or The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Both are wildly different. Ennio Morricone is a genius.
There’s also The Incredibles - Michael Giacchino The Greatest Showman - Various Artists
Saving Private Ryan - John Williams
The Prince of Egypt - Hans Zimmer
The Gospel of John - Jeff Dann (great middle eastern vibe)Kill Bill Volume 2! And I like the Carol (2015) soundtrack (totally not a lesbian).
I was a hipster in high school and I used to have Amelie on my iPod classic. Was such a tiny screen. :)
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Not a movie but all 3 Beastars openings sound so good
The crow
Mine is from the 1996 anime film X. It is based on a CLAMP manga and goes much harder than the poster would lead you to believe.
The soundtrack complements the tone perfectly with its experimental and unsettling atmosphere.
- Lock stock and two smoking barrels
- o’ brother where art thou
- tron (daft punk)
Scream 3
Django unchained
American pie
Spiderman into the spider verse
Tron 2. Daft Punk without lyrics is perfect for me.
- Conan The Barbarian by Basil Polidouris
- Aliens by James Horner
- The Good The Bad And The Ugly by Ennio Morricone
Oh Brother Where Art Thou is a good one.
Atomic Blonde
The Big Lebowski
The Crow
Mary Poppins