According to the in-universe history, the railways on Sodor were first built to facilitate coastal naval batteries in WWI. So not far off.
Except that Sodor is noted to be in the United Kingdom, which means Thomas was loyal to His Britannic Majesty and served his king and country, not those Nazi scum.
Hey, the British were bloody imperial colonialists, not fascists though. Get it right!
“God save the queen, the fascist regime…”
Tracks with the overall fascist hellscape that is the TtTE universe…
Maybe at some point Charles Stross will be inspired to write a short story/novella set on an island of sentient trains thinly modelled on Thomas, only extrapolated to reveal the full horrifying implications of its worldbuilding and twisted to breaking point; I live in hope.
The last I checked, the stats are like this:
Range: ~70 miles
Accuracy: Likely to hit Paris
Effect: About a city block or too (1/10 mile radius)
So its a terror weapon.
Your description matches that of the Parisgeschütz, which was in fact just a terror weapon. This is something else
Thomas should be glad he is only deaf. Gordon had to make the bikernau circuit.
Is that Big Bertha?What about Schwerer Gustav?
The comments on the first video are incredible. Thanks for sharing.
I miss George Carling.
Thomas finally got the cannon cart aligned properly when a little voice shouted “fucking fire it you dumb steam train!”. So Thomas caved and fired the canon…"oh no! What have I done! Maybe I can out run the canon ball! Yes what a great idea shouted persy! It was you! Persy! You were the one who made me fucking fire the canon! Wasn’t it! Uh? Wasn’t it? Now let’s run after those canon balls!..unbeknownst to the two retarded trains who by the way have no eyes or brains, canon balls travel much faster than a train could ever dream of. So it was over before they started. The end.
Do trains not work the way I thought?
Sometimes you’ll get additional locomotives at the rear or middle when the load is too heavy for a single engine.
Plus if the destination lies on a higher sea level you may want to put the locomotive at the rear to push the wagons uphill (especially if you have a driving trailer). One of the reasons being that uphill pushing doesn’t strain the couplers like uphill pulling does and that with a driving trailer there is no need for a locomotive to be rearranged for every drive to be in the front where you have the best view and train control.
Also putting the locomotive in the back allows for better driving control and stability, “particularly when travelling downhill.” This allows “the train to be backed up into a siding or other area without having to turn the locomotive around. This can be particularly useful in situations where there is limited space for turning a locomotive or where it would be impractical to do so.”
Sauce (for the quotes):