I don’t see what sex has to do with it. There are many more non-sex cruises doing the same thing.
Of course. It’s simply clickbait. Worked for you and me, obviously.
Imo, the point is just that the juxtaposition of sex cruises to visit the melting antarctic shelves is incongruous
Maybe they’ll provide lube.
Sex cruises to where? The complaints of shrinkage will be legendary.
Uh, that’s a whoosh, cap’n!
I didn’t have that one on my bingo card
“… full-scale bonkathon”
I approve of this
so it’ll be herpes that kills off the last few penguins? didn’t have that on my bingo card…
You can die from herpes? Probably more likely to die from beastiality rape.
Probably more likely to die from beastiality rape.
I was thinking cruise ship waste but uh… yeah… that’ll probably fuck up a penguin
As a matter of fact, yes. I was talking to a vet at a friend’s wedding, and he casually mentioned that working with simians is a dangerous field for many reasons that you wouldn’t think of, like their herpesvirus strains killing us.
Luckily it says it’s extremely rare
Well, yeah. The only way to get it is from contact with an infected monkey, or something that has recently contacted them, like a needle.
With no end to deforestation in sight, and fixing the housing crisis, monkeys have been sharing crack houses with humans
If we’re destroying the planet anyway, at least this is a more fun reason to do it.
What’s more natural than sex?