PORT ANGELES, WA.—Nearly 500 park-lovers marched through downtown Port Angeles—gateway to Olympic National Park—and rallied March 1 at the Courthouse chanting “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Trump and Musk have got to go!”
PORT ANGELES, WA.—Nearly 500 park-lovers marched through downtown Port Angeles—gateway to Olympic National Park—and rallied March 1 at the Courthouse chanting “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Trump and Musk have got to go!”
I think the rich assholes are banking on protests never ascending beyond chants and the occasional march. Maybe some blocked traffic.
When the right wing leaders are dragged out of their mansions at night and hanged from the nearest tree, and all the would be witnesses say they didn’t see anything, then we’d be getting somewhere.
Start showing up to protests carrying weapons where legal. That’s step one. Just straight up open carry. Nobody cares about your arts and crafts, but show up with an AR15 and they’ll at least pay attention.