Une douzaine de véhicules Tesla ont été incendiés durant la nuit du 2 au 3 mars 2025 dans le showroom de la marque situé près de Toulouse. Que s'est-il passé ? Un incendie est survenu dans la nuit du dimanche 2 au lundi 3 mars 2025, sur le site de Tesla à Plaisance-du-Touch, près de Toulouse. Selon La Dépêche, les
I guess I don’t see how attacking the property of a hard working individual, who’s political stance you don’t even know, would be beneficial to making Musk feel some pain.
Burning Teslas in the dealership lot is short term pain, quickly recouped by insurance claims. Making people afraid to buy Teslas at all has the potential to kill the entire company in the long term. And that’s not something that can be recouped by an insurance claim or a corporate reorganization effort.
Burning Teslas in the dealership lot is short term pain, quickly recouped by insurance claims. Making people afraid to buy Teslas at all has the potential to kill the entire company in the long term. And that’s not something that can be recouped by an insurance claim or a corporate reorganization effort.