Train station with rave lighting
That’s every train station when the Tekkno Train arrives
They’re originally from my home town. Saw them play free concerts for tens of people before they blew up. Good old days.
I’m a little jealous. Small shows with tiny crowds are always something special, especially when the band has great vibes <3
Yeah, always preferred those to stadium shows. I live quite a distance away now, but still make a point of going to as many tiny shows as I can.
Also, after looking it up, they’re from a neighbouring town and came over for the show.
Bonus style points when you’re not native and try to travel in an area with some juicy accent. See also: flights and fast speaking pilots in a foreign language to yours.
Curently waiting for my train. That’s exactly what juste happen…
Train 1 624 bea to platform four… you fucking lesbian?
Edit: sorry, platform five 👍
I think it says loser, not lesbian. Unfortunately.
They say you see what you want to see. You may see a loser, but I see a lesbian 👍
You’re probably right though.