I’ve been in therapy for a few months and I really want to start HRT soon but I don’t know if my therapist will write me the required letter. If she doesn’t by the end of this month I’m going to start doing DIY, is there anything I should know about the process before I get started, anything I should be aware of? Are there risks or side effects. Things that I should be aware of before going in
P.S. Don’t give me any of that crap about detransitioning, you don’t know me well enough to say I would, frankly I’ll never call myself a boy again, not of my own volition or to capitulate to others.
https://hrtcafe.net/ has a list of trusted vendors (would take a look at the homebrew vendors section)
https://diyhrt.info/ has a bunch of other information
https://transfemscience.org/articles/transfem-intro/ is a good start for the scientific side of things