I’m just one US citizen but I’d like to apologize to all Ukrainians on behalf of 50% or so of all people here. Our leadership is disgusting.
EU citizen and i’d like to say your apologies are empty and hollow to us. Do something. This isn’t a joke, this isn’t hyperbole or a leftist talking point, you’re under constitutional crisis. Do something.
This seems like a good place to post this:
Our current situation really is the culmination of almost 70 years of rightwing efforts. It’s a long listen but worth checking out How Conservatism Won by Robert Evans. He lays out in a clear concise way “how a consortium of rich failsons got together to fund a network of right wing think tanks and shift American culture in a fun new direction. (note: it was not actually fun at all).” They’ve been very successful and those think tanks are now pipelines used to funnel ideological purists into powerful positions like our current Supreme Court.
It’s worth remembering that one of the primary ghouls/traitors responsible for the attempted overthrow of our government on J6 was Roger Stone, the same traitorous ratfucker who began his career working for Nixon and has a fucking Nixon tattoo on his back. It’s really impossible to overstate just how fuckin’ bad these people are and they’re winning.
I tell people as often as I can, especially my trans and bipoc friends; now is the time. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety.
The coup was successful, they’re in power and if they don’t want to give it up they won’t.
Get to know people in your community. Take an interest in growing food, learn how to fix things. Establish secondary lines of communication and start preparing.
They weren’t talking to you champ. You wanna strap up and shoot your shot? I’ll buy your plane ticket.
Don’t worry we’ll all be forced conscripts soon to fight against the USA/Russia Axis Powers.
Good luck, seriously.
Those of us that can help, will; we’re mostly worried about trying to organize our local communities at this point but you’ll find plenty of friendly faces I’m sure.
“Do it for me, I’m a pussy”
What exactly are you proposing that you think has any chance of success?
Organize and consolidate.
Fair enough, we’re working on it.
The actual left in the U.S. was gutted before most of us were born but we’re definitely trying. Not anyone in any position of power, they’re all just sitting on their hands; but lots of marginalized people are starting to talk and establish communications. Things are probably going to get bad over the next 5-10 years, preparing and planning is all we can do right now.
I couldn’t watch it all. I felt embarrassed. What the fuck does Russian interference in a U.S. election have to do with Russia trying to take over Ukraine?
Clearly Trump believes he has some friendship with Putin that would influence this whole conflict.
Trump was so backed into a corner he reflexively rambled about Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary Clinton. What a joke. Then doubling down on Vance’s inane rambling about not showing gratitude, channelling peak abusive parent energy.
All because Zelensky made very reasonable points about requiring guarantees.
Absolute amateurs.
This 100%
Yep. Trump is barely more intelligible than Alex Jones at this point. They’re both just as honest
and thiel has the puppy in the corner vance on a leash telling him to bark when trump does.
Zekenskyy did the best he could; he came in humility and he really didn’t have any cards at that table. He had no cards because he didn’t come to play, he came to capitulate to the whims of a tyrant to try and save the lives of his countrymen by signing a one-sided deal.
That video will go down in history as one of the greatest moments of infamy in this age - if there were any justice Trump and the puppet masters behind him should be tried for the spark that lit the third world war.
Trump: you have not shown gratitude for our help.
Zelenaky: I have thanked the US many times for the support given.
Trump: you haven’t shown ENOUGH gratitude. Just say thank you.
Zelenaky: I do thank the US
Trump: You didn’t say it while kissing the ring.
such a putin script hes using.
Did Trump inject the word ‘dictate’ in there so he could justify calling Zelenskyy a dictator?
asssuming too much smarts from trumpo.
President Zelensky visited the USA to sign the rare earth mineral mining deal. The US mining executives were salivating over a deal to extract minerals from Ukraine like they do from Africa. Poof, Just Dumb and Orange Nero followed their Kremlin script, added a US temper tantrum and blew the fuck out of the deal. Ukraine will sell mining rights to the EU members, with exception to shitbags from Hungary, Slovakia and perhaps Italy. The executives who supported the deal must be pissed off.
I’m not convinced Trump ever really wanted those minerals. He floated the idea knowing Zelensky would never say ‘yes’ to the deal as originally presented. But then, when Zelensky seemed prepared to make compromises, Trump had to find another excuse to get the US out of being involved and went with the pathetic, shameful, cowardly performance we just witnessed.
Those minerals would be extremely lucrative for electric car batteries and space exploitation. Yes, I spelled it correctly.
Congratulations, we’ve witnessed history as global American influence effectively ended. Mark this day.
Oh sure, there’ll be some leaders who’ll profess listening but no one is going to take America seriously from now on.
The wise sage is now a decrepit dotard.
Well, the US has gone from powerful dotard to decrepit dotard anyway.
Good for zelensky for standing up for what he thinks is right.
Business? What about democracy and freedom? Why is this about fucking business? What a tool.
Few takeaways:
- JD Vance is talking over a tired-looking trump who can’t follow the conversation (See, him trying to correct Zelenskyy on the date of Crimea’s annexation, claiming it was 2015, then responding to being corrected on the date that, “I wasn’t there”. Like he was there in 2015, LOL).
- This was a preplanned ambush that is the most cringe fucking thing I’ve seen in the last 5 years, from MTG’s fucking boyfriend (I wish I made this up, I really do), attacking Zelenskyy for not wearing a suite, to which he responds by saying “I’ll wear a costume after the war is over. Like yours, but maybe better”
- JD Vance is really really bad at acting. He theatrically exclaims how the Oval office is being dIsReSPecTed!!!111!!! but with like a 5 second delay and with limited enthusiasm. All it does it tells you that this was the plan all along.
- Marco Rubio had a Dr Birx/drink bleach kind of moment there.
Overall the only news here is trump is really really declining cognitively. I wonder how long it will take NYT to notice that…
. He theatrically exclaims how the Oval office is being dIsReSPecTed!!!111!
And Trump using the Oval Office to sell another of his silly red hats for personal profit earlier in the week wasn’t disrespecting it?
“I’ll wear a costume after the war is over.”
What a savage takedown, holy shit.
Zelenskyy is a class act. America doesn’t deserve to even be sitting at the same table as this guy.
All they achieved with this ambush is to show the difference in quality between Zelenskyy and trump/vance. The contrast is stark. Those two guys would have shat themselves in a reverse situation.
Fun fact: the French word for “suit” is “costume.” I wonder if Zelenskyy was aware of his multilingual pun.
Suit in Ukrainian is listerally “костюм”, in Latin script “kostyum”. Which is pronounced close enough.
I am not sure if it was intended, but hilarious nevertheless.
I’m sure it’s intended. The man was a comedian, and he’s been criticised for not wearing a suit before. He’s had this line in the chamber for a while, now he’s showing the world how a professional deals with hecklers.
criticized for not wearing a suit
Sometimes I don’t understand people. I’d love to see more politicians in normal clothes. It’s kind of childish to expect a suit for no reason, isn’t it?
Honestly, I’ve been around long enough that I associate suits with dishonesty. Car sales, real estate agents, lawyers, finance, politicians,… is there a pattern here, or no?
I started my professional career suited up, but transitioned away as I realised all our technical people who knew their shit, rolled up their sleeves and got it done didn’t wear them. The suits were managers making unrealistic schedules, and sales teams promising the world just to secure the next bonus.
Someone like Trump has never experienced real work. So let the con man wear his costume. It suits him.
I don’t think it was an intentional pun.
It’s the same in Ukrainian (and Russian): костюм
We can assume he is aware of it a lot more than the rubes in that room with him.
Honestly, the question’s stupidity wrote the pun.
I lost my mind over that sick outfit burn. Goddamn.
Just to clarify, in Russian and Ukrainian “costume” means “suit”.
I did not know that! Well, today I learned something cool. Well, even if it wasn’t meant as a jab, it still projects a lot of strength on his part - he has once again proven that he’s dedicated to ending the war, not staying in power or cultivating wealth, or playing at political theater. Gotta respect that.
I understand. It totally did!
I wonder how long it will take NYT to notice that…
Once it’s in their oligarch-owner’s interest
I’m sure the NYT has noticed, but their attorneys probably advise against making medical claims about sitting presidents. Especially since the current one is particularly litigious.
Ohh, I thought Biden was sitting president last year when they were pounding it on and on and on…
The US should feel embarassed for this.
Those of us who didn’t vote for him, actual Americans, do.
No true scotsman.
Yup. MAGAs are just as American as any other American. If they really want to deal with this, just whinging like elected Democrats isn’t gonna help. They’ve got to actually organize in meatspace.
If they were American, they would be following American values and laws.
also, if we ever got so lucky to get rid of this this mess, it won’t the MAGAs who will do the cleanup.
Some of us voted all blue and still respect the Constitution and its oath (except the 13th), and yes we do feel pretty damn embarrassed and not looking forward to the next few years trying to fend off the fascists
There’s a whole hell of a lot of them taking the Trump viewpoint.
That was one of the most disgusting and rage-inducing videos I’ve ever seen. I would not have been able to restrain myself from punching Trump in the fucking nose if he had talked to me like that. I’m not a tough guy or violent in any way, and the Secret Service would have killed me, but the way he yells such insulting things at a world leader who is trying to save millions of lives… holy crap. And then Vance jumps in and claims he never said Thank You. I would’ve kicked him in the nuts and said, “thank you, now I feel better.”
This was a setup from the get go. They had no intention of signing any deal. This was all to get him in front of cameras with them so they could piss on his face and act like tough guys.
I particularly love the part where he says Obama sent them sheets and Trump sent them Javelins* then pauses to look at the camera and tell the media that that’s their headline. He may be losing his marbles, but that attention whore instinct goes straight to the core
* *Not sure if that’s the military aid he tried to block in order to coerce them into investigating the son of a political rival, or if he’s just taking credit for the aid sent under Biden that he actively opposed. Either way, it’s fucking rich for him to take credit for military aid when he is personally responsible for delaying and reducing the aid Ukraine got.
Trump won’t be mean to Putin because he wants to “make a deal” but he seems to be fine insulting the fuck out of Zelensky.
Trump is such a disgusting thing
Someone needs to end the reign of Trump. What a waste of energy, piece of shit. Burn in hell.
I wanted to point out something about what Trump said during that meeting…
“You’re in a bad position right now. You don’t have the cards.”
My understanding is that Ukraine did have the cards, they were called nukes, but they gave them up for peace and guarantees of protection from the United States, and others, against invasion.
And then, they got invaded.
Edit: https://www.npr.org/2022/02/21/1082124528/ukraine-russia-putin-invasion
Edit2: Always pay attention to what the other hand is doing.
The other hand just released that trumps name shows up 7 times in Eppstein’s flight logs.
No, not a joke, it was released today by trumps own minions.
This is where I saw it, top result for me of the last 24h:
He also incorrectly tried to correct Zelensky on when his fucking country was invaded… Clown
Encapsulates why trump has no business near power of any kind. The most confidently incorrect dickhead anyone will ever meet
Three times.
The Donetsk conflict was started by militias trained, supplied, and paid by Russia. With Russian troops entering Donestk for technical support, logistical support, and really just any help they needed including combat units to beat back the Ukrainian Army at several points.
Donetsk was the actual “Special Military Operation”.
Trump, like every arogant POS has overestimated his strength. Europe can and will enter the conflict as Russia has proven itself to be an existential threat. NATO is dead, but EU has been planning for this. I wouldn’t be surprised if UKR already has or will obtain a nuke and put on a show of force . Nuking Russian troops on its own territory would be fine- and provide ground denial to the Russians.
NATO is dead
Somebody better tell them. In the meanwhile, their twin sibling, OTAN, will take over.
I wouldn’t be surprised if UKR already has or will obtain a nuke
I’d think they would have stopped their war by now if so.
Nuking Russian troops on its own territory would be fine
I’m sure Mr. Radiation will cooperate and not float over any innocent cities, and will stay inside of the political borders where the bomb went off.
I’m also sure that nobody would consider retaliating over something like that, as it would be taken as just a minor misunderstanding.
And yes, /s .
Winds blow east in that part of the world.
They were counting on US support so they played nice. If Europe fails to do anything meaningful we might see UKR do something incalculable.
UKR knows that the only way to stop Putin is to match his posture. They have openly stated last year that they should get a nuke since US is unreliable.
Retaliate for nuking their own territory?
Winds blow east in that part of the world.
[Chernobyl has entered the chat]
Retaliate for nuking their own territory?
So nuke one of the largest ‘bread baskets’ in the World?
Cut off a limb to save the body. Radiation contamination is a pretty effective ground denial strategy- make those eastern oblasts uninhabitable for a 100years. That would afford some time for Russia to turn itself inside out.
I’m not suggesting it’s any planners first choice, but it would certainly protect the border from further ground invasions.
Didn’t Russia have the keys to those nukes though?
Wouldn’t have mattered even if true. Physical access trumps everything. Worst case scenario, if they really wanted to, they could reverse engineer the primer & guidance system, then replace the originals with their own.
Keep in mind that Ukraine was a massive hub for military industry in the USSR.
My understanding was that Ukraine did.
But also, since they were neighbors, you wouldn’t need to launch missiles, you could just take the payload out of a missile, stick it in a briefcase, and walk it over.