It seems he posted his own reply to that post:
"I interned at the NWS in high school, have always contributed storm reports, and have a lot of friends current and retired NWS forecasters. I love the NWS even though many of the workers there are haters of ours. I am deeply familiar with how important their role is in the warning process, data collection, and numerical weather prediction as well as research. They all deserve our support. I’m not into politics - I dropped out of political science in 1999 to chase Hurricane Floyd and never looked back. The social sciences have never resonated with me. When I saw these firings happening, the least I could do is support my friends at the NWS with a post. I’m just a storm chaser
I think these next 4 years we’re going to see a lot of Americans see how much the depend on the federal government. My brain broke when I saw the woman a couple weeks ago who said “I voted for you, but now you’re cutting SNAP?”
He literally said he was going to. You voted that you wanted that
The Bush era joke was ‘Americans learn geography via invading countries.’
I guess the Trump era joke will be ‘Americans learn what taxes actually go toward after they are starving and homeless.’
Monty Python hit the nail on the head with The Life of Brian.
“Aside from the sewage system, water system, health system, education system, roads, bridges, internet, weather prediction, farm insurance, bank insurance, home insurance, disaster relief, police, fire department, and GPS and space constellation… What has the government ever done for us?”
Seems like these people have no idea what the government does. They just think it’s just things for poor people and minorities.
They’ve been spoonfed for so long that they forget that they’re the poor people. That sounds mean, but holy fuck, I don’t need snap. I personally don’t need welfare. I’m doing okay - but I voted for those things because I know people do depend on them. But hooray I guess they voted to lower my taxes probably? I guess enjoy not being able to afford food when I voted to try to protect that?
Your taxes will be going up unless you’re making in excess of $400k per year. Only the very richest are getting tax cuts, and those will be massive cuts. This is the actual primary goal of this admin, make no mistake.
My taxes will probably be going down. I still think this administration deserves hellfire and cancer. I am ashamed to be an American. Fuck Elon, I actually hope he dies in some sort of fiery crash, but slowly. And I’ll do whatever I can to make life better for my community.
The leopards are having a grand ole time, what with so many faces to eat.
“Have the life you voted for.”
I like this… I might take it…
Knowing what a politician says requires people pay attention and listen to the actual words. Plenty of people vote republican because they/their friends/their family always have. The thinking about who you’re voting for just doesn’t happen.
I’m somewhat hopeful, but not really expecting, that this extreme example of government program cuts will wake up some of those voters.
Probably not. Classic R strategy is to always blame the D’s, even if it was because of the R’s.
To be fair, “they were told it would happen” doesn’t work when all their “news” comes from Fox, OAN, Facebook, Breitbart etc.
To be clear, this person is still to blame for NOT seeking out more information from more sources.
It’s always “cut government spending except for all the government spending that benefits me!”
49% of voters are always really, really excited that the gun of government legislation is pointing at the target they think is deserving. It’s partisanship.
The NIH still has its funding halted. What people may not realize is 90% of biomedical research is funded through the NIH and it funds over 800,000 scientists. As an example 99% of drugs approved in the last 10 year period were discovered using NIH funding.
which has global ramifications. Fuck this regime. Fuck elon.
This is how I learn that Reed Timmer is a MAGA freakazoid? Real fuckin shame, I only ever looked into his storm chasing content
Damn me too. Anyone else for recommendations?
they literally had a fuckin manual
others read the manual or at least skimmed through it
read the fuckin manual
these motherfuckers don’t read, it’s woke
these people have memory of goldfish on ambien
don’t challenge the mectin militia ffs
Whenever I see shit like this, I just wish someone slaps them across their face. I’m not a violent man, but damn I want to slap these idiots so bad.
I don’t want to see or hear Jeff N Johnson and Brad Freesmeyer complaining about any of trump’s measures.
But I know they will, it’s inevitable.
They watch in glee as others are hurting, but when it’s them that’s hurting, they want the world’s sympathy.
If you ever feel like feeling sorry for them, just remember them cheering for this.
To be honest a huge chunk of Facebook are bots
I have a mutual friend at NOAA who does hurricane tracking in the plane, a lot of them are unlikely to remain employed. You’d think they’d want more people tracking these Dem-manufactured hurricanes, but I guess that isn’t an issue. If they were smart they’d destroy the hurricane making machine
If we stop tracking the hurricanes then the number of tracked hurricanes in a season goes down what don’t you understand
Ah, just like the Trump approach to COVID. If we stop testing, our numbers improve!
That’s a great point, let me ask him about that.
It seems the more observers there are of a hurricane, the mroe likely it is to he destructive. I bet there were hurricanes 2 million years ago with 0 human deaths.
Makes you think…
Without observation, can we even be sure there would be hurricanes?
The traces and “evidence” might be from something else
It’s ok because a for profit organization will step up right? Right??? /s
Even if the void does get filled it’s some corpos fucking wet dream. Would be stupid expensive and probably completely inaccurate
AccuWeather has been begging and lobbying for this for years. They are poised to profit from this.
Wait what??? I’ve been using AccuWeather because I enjoyed the way they presented their weather information but knowing this I’m going to be switching immediately.
Fun fact: almost every news and radio outlet uses NWS forecasts.
Not sure how much longer that site will stay online.
Switch to what? Private companies aren’t going to do what NOAA does.
Which is ridiculous. Their business was basically repackaging what the government was providing for free. They think it’s better business to roll out a bespoke weather forecasting system that costs millions of dollars to maintain?
Libertarians really don’t understand that the government is what enables them to do business. If you have to pay for all that stuff yourself you’re going to spend a multiple of what you’re currently paying in taxes.
i dont follow him closely but didnt realize he was maga, so lame.
The federal government is literally the same size it was in the early 1970s.
Idiots voting red: “the gubments gotten too big!”
What do you mean by “same size”? Is it the same number of employees? Same number of divisions?
What do you consider “the federal government”.
There are roughly 3 million people in the federal government and that number varies.
Does that say “and 8.1 Trillion others liked this”?
Mark inflating those user numbers again?
Probably thousand?
Maybe “Thousand”? Possible language setting thing?
The best response would be that you can’t help because your representative(s) that would have agreed with keeping NOAA around weren’t elected into office.