This is not good news
Agreed, the dark is what made it so much better
The actual clips seem to show quite a lot of the signature bleakness of the show itself. The trailer seems to have just slapped a poppy song with on-the-nose lyrics over the visuals to make it seem more “fun”.
Feel like Andor gets overrated due to how terrible most of the other Star Wars stuff is. It wasn’t bad but man it was slow at times.
Not everything needs to be action packed. Andor was incredibly successful at tension, tension is not boring, political power plays are not boring. Do not confuse non stop lightsaber battles with good
Well to each their own. Those are the parts I felt were the weakest. The “political power plays” didn’t feel impactful at all, lots of dialog about nothing, reminiscent of the prequels. But I agree if there’s one thing that could’ve made it worse it’s Andor finding a light saber and realizing he was a Skywalker all along.
Yeah, there wasn’t even Subway Surfer gameplay under it
Well I watched and enjoyed 2001 A Space Odyssey, so I don’t think that’s the issue ;)
Andor is not just the best Star Wars Disney has put out. If not the best, it is one of the best new shows of 2022.
The best Disney star wars is an incredibly low bar. It comes down to what you mean by “one of.” It’s definitely top 15, but also definitely not top 5.
It absolutely does. Andor is a 7/10. Almost everything else being a 2 or 3 makes it look really good.
I think everyone else feels that “not amazing” means I hated it. This is exactly it, it’s an ok show. 7/10 seems very fair.
The tone of the music didn’t even match the reviews they were highlighting, it was a weird choice. The visuals so far still look like Andor though.