A lot of liquor stores will give you a book of matches for free with a pack of cigarettes. It’s not common anymore.
Many small independent liquor stores still do this, but you have to ask. But yeah, long gone are the days where every restaurant had matchbooks right next to the peppermints and toothpicks in your way out.
I love it when they do. Always take one on principle. Its been about 2 years since I last saw one in the wild though
I think I get it, but can someone translate to plain English just in case ?
"using matches isn’t cool
just kidding it is, I’m just jealous"
Thank you
Neat, thank you !
I’m annoyed that smoking looks even cooler in comparison to vaping which basically always looks dumb.
Smoking is cool… until you want to kiss a non-smoker. Few things narrow the dating pool quite as much