I just feel so bad for the kids getting sick. It’s essentially child abuse.
Revelations 16:2
So the first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth, and a foul and painful sore came on those who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped its image.
Matthew 23:24
Then if anyone says to you, “Look! Here is the Messiah!” or “There he is!”—do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
If people on the Right want to claim a Christian high ground, then quote the book that matters most to them.
Liberty lesions…
Freedom freckles
Murica Measle
I can proudly say, I never had one for 20 years and chickenpox never had! I’m just stronger!
I can proudly say I never wear my stupid seat belt and for 20 years never had an accident! I’m just a better driver!
… see how stupid that sounds?
When you get them as an adult, they will be much worse.
Nuh uh what if I don’t get them
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