Meta’s copyright defense may hinge on court ignorance of torrenting terminology.
Leechers are bitches. You at least 1:1 that shit or GTFO
Get on my level Zuck
Doing the Lord’s work.
I just really like sharing Linux ISOs
Suuuuure Linux ISOs 😉
Listen bro, I’m not pirating anything.
But I’m real friendly with a server in a Singaporean datacenter that is
No lose sitch. Either they stole it , or torrenting is legal. Court has to rule one way or another.
They are trying to slip the distribution charge, but they can’t because they fed it to their AI
that’s not distribution
We all knew zuck was a bitch, but he just admitted to having an awful ratio. Pathetic.
signature look of superiority
Well in that case. I’d like to request a free meta quest. I won’t give it to anyone else… I may dismantle it and redistribute the parts for profit though.
that’s even worse!
After so many years of corporations fighting The Pirate Bay, you’d think the courts are well versed in the laws regarding torrenting by now.
Its the same argument that the Canadian supreme court briefly legalized downloading 20 years ago.
me too