Why don’t they list MeidasTouch in the headline?
Better title: “Pro-America podcast MeidasTouch dethrones shitty pro-donvict podcast in the charts”
Eeeeh. I can’t be the only one who won’t touch something described as “pro-America” with a ten foot pole.
I will say, before the election, i was watching them pretty hard. I dropped it for my own mental health after the election though. I wasn’t a huge fan of Ben Meiselas because he became more and more sensational but I really liked Michael Popoks legal commentary. I felt like Ben started shading into the tone and repetition patterns of the far right podcasters but either way, they both always had their facts straight and everything they said and predicted was backed by evidence and legal experience. Popok is a smart fuckin dude though.
Also, I’d say they’re “pro democracy” as that’s the line they always pushed unless it changed after the election.
If you want to ease into it just check out Popoks stuff as it’s way more objective. I learned so much about the legal/judicial system from him and it was all validated by other sources.
Agree popok is the juice on that channel. Agnifilo used to be there a lot too
Aww, did she leave? She didn’t have popoks stage presence but she was still sharp as fuck
i think she might be busy? nah don’t ring a bell?
I think it’s a mistake to let the right winger take claim to everything related to patriotism and national symbols.
newsweek.com, a known right wing source, thats why.
Just listened a bit. These guys deep dive quite a bit, but I hope that this bump is from people who are previous Trump voters that now realize how fucked they are by Trump and get angry.
Unlikely. Trump is a cult. He can do no wrong.
He’s created that in large part because of the media environment around him. Many republicans were upset and outraged on Jan 6th until they heard the fox news, rogan, etc line
Change the media consumption and a lot will follow from there. Changes to which media are more dominate are going to matter more than people think
deleted by creator
Not with that attitude. But go off! keep perpetuating it
What else could he do that he hasn’t already done?
Shit, I think we’ve all been asking ourselves that on a regular basis for years now and here we are still regularly surprised.
And would it harm him? Probably not.
“Heil Satan!”
Might lose 3% of his cultists. The rest will be “I’ve always been cool with Satan, just like Russia!”
Leave Satan out of this.
Apologize and show humilty and remorse for his actions and those he’s insipred and enabled?
Do they actually do interviews with experts? Or is it just two dudes pretending to be experts and presenting (mis)information
Yes they do. They also interview a lot of the Democratic congress critters. The lawyer that represents Luigi has been a regular contributor to the Meidas Touch for the last year or so.
Jon Stewart’s podcast is also good if you want interviews with experts. He also gets far more nerdy and into the weeds in his podcast than he ever was allowed to on TV or streaming
Less than a month into the new administration, the rise of the left-leaning MeidasTouch to become the country’s most popular podcast indicates a potential shift in tone currently resonating with Americans.
Is it actually Leftist or is it liberal? I’d welcome a number one Leftist show, but I don’t think most USA citizens are politically literate enough to know the difference. We’ve been brainwashed by decades of propaganda to think liberalism is synonymous with Leftist.
They self identify as progressive and it seems that they are, so definitely not liberals. I stopped clicking Brian Tyler Cohen videos though because he does clickbait bullshit like “trump gets NIGHTMARE legal news” or “trump campaign SUNK” and it ends up being some legal bullshit they have to re-file because they messed it up the first time, or something stupid like that. Seriously just scroll through his shorts. It’s awful.
Gotta play the YouTube algorithm sadly
Soft clickbait I don’t mind, but BTC’s titles are “the sky is falling” levels of bullshit. I didn’t even block his videos, I just stopped clicking and they completely fell out of my feed.
It’s a shame because it’s not bad content, I’m just sick of clicking a video expecting some big news involving actual consequences for terrible people, only to be told they will get away with a finger wag at worst.
I stopped watching him when he did his show from that expensive looking booth at the DNC.
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Oh, so like Pod Save America. Ok, I’ll avoid the shit out of it. Thanks!
Pod save America isnt what surpassed Rogan, it was Mediastouch, they are garbage
I wanna see TrueAnon up there…
This guy’s close. Tried watching it and it was hard. But then again I never tried Rogan as he seems like a turd. Maybe people just want loud obnoxious content that doesn’t teach you much… Guess it feels better then it being on the right wing nazi sphere…
My friend. May Brace bless you and keep you.
Next up, QAA Podcast.
Oh God, not this hexbear twisted logic. Back to Shillville.
Leftists would care what you think about it if liberals hadn’t just spent a century killing and persecuting them.
Being a leftist is not the same thing as being on your national left, cope.
Can you imagine if every time someone pointed out the difference between Democrats & Republicans, we had to sit through endless comments of people speaking up to say things like “don’t gatekeep fascism, mom!!” or “not this moneybear twisted logic!!”?
Liberalism and Leftism broadly disagree on their respective core economic tenants. They’re ideologically further apart than Democrats and Republicans. And yet, you struggle to comprehend them as distinct entities without getting upset and triggered… if you seriously consider it divisive to understand that diversity of opinion on the left is good and a sign of a healthy democracy, I don’t know what to tell you.
You need to take a good long hard look at what you’re promoting here. Not everybody needs to think the same or adhere to exactly the same ideology in order to be deserving of respect and work together with others for common causes. We don’t need everyone to be grouped under one label for collective action and agreeable democratic reforms to take place. In fact, it’s important that we aren’t grouped that way… it’s detrimental to us all regardless of whether you’re liberal or left.
It’s tenets, not tenants. Add that to your Russian:English dictionary.
Of course. Anybody who disagrees with your personal narrow sliver of opinion must just be a Russian bot. /s
Thank you for proving to every person reading that you’re only commenting in bad faith.
Liberalism isn’t Leftism. It’s corporate.
leftist, almost always comes from right wing sources. in the usa there isnt a true political left.
There is… but it’s not the Democrats.
They specifically said “left-leaning” to stop people like you from asking stupid questions like that. Stop gatekeeping anti-fascism.
I don’t think you’re as familiar with the meaning of terms as you think. Some people call the NYT left-leaning. They absolutely are not. They are a liberal publication and that has a different meaning.
This is what I meant when I said USA citizens have been corrupted by decades of propaganda. Conservative idiots genuinely believe socialism is about making people eat bugs as opposed to helping people out and doing things for their betterment. And liberals genuinely believe that they are Leftists. But go ahead and call my question stupid.
Center right liberal
We need to start calling ourselves something else. Liberal and Leftist isn’t doing us any favors and is keeping people alienated from messages that may otherwise reach them. Maybe Centrists?? The labels are keeping us divided, but Centrist is like saying you are a rational human, and I think many people consider themselves to be that. Need to have a more unifying “label”.
This will only lead to the workers’ cause being diluted. Leftism is socialism. It is anti capitalism. It is named in opposition to the right wing deliberately. The dichotomy exists for a reason. Our enemies are capitalists. They are the ruling class. Diluting our cause achieves nothing but losing revolutionary momentum.
We need louder leftist voices. We need the messaging to get as far and wide as possible. The far right has been winning at this. They own the tech companies, the social media giants, they run the algorithms. We need to push people further and further off of those platforms and amplify leftist voices as loud as we can. We need more propaganda. We need more organization.
Centrist conveys not having any clear ideology. I am for helping people.
Bias fucking bullshit. Why is Joe Rogan named and not the podcast that usurped him? Media fucking blows
They name it in the first sentence, and at least for me, given it’s longevity and word of mouth I know what Joe Rogan implies, but if you said “MeidasTouch” in the headline, I’d have no idea the implication of that shift, since I haven’t listened to either of the two.
You can do both in a title.
You can, but clickbait rags want you to click to find out what they intentionally left out of the title.
If they just put the name I would have no idea who they are. Writing the full name plus “,an anti-Trump podcast” would be a really long title with extra info they get in the first sentence.
Wanting to stop at the headline is a bad habit. Just click the article and complain if the name isn’t right there.
“Anti-Trump podcast MeidasTouch dethrones Rogan in charts”
That’s two fewer words than the original headline. 🤷♂️
Be that as it may, we know that the majority of readers wouldn’t read past the title. Knowing this, NewsWeek still decided to not include the name of the anti-trump podcast which dethroned Joe Rogan’s podcast. I think this is the bias that they are referring to.
Wdym? It literally says the podcast name is “The MeidasTouch Podcast” in the first sentence.
Headlines are important
Per the other comment, headlines. Internet dwellers read the headline to decide whether or not to read something. You can think of a headline as involuntary information injection.
So Newsweek wants everyone to see Joe Rogan’s name but not MeidasTouch.
According to Podscribe.
Which collects data from more than the single-source Spotify.Ugh Ben Shapiro is that high?
Candace Owens is higher…
Wait a minute … THIS IS THE BAD PLACE!
@WhatAmLemmy figured it out? @WhatAmLemmy?
Yeah, this is a low point! This one hurts!
Made me audibly laugh in my head
candace dick fit in my ass
For me it’s the recent percentage in increased subscribers. Is Ben Shapiro better/worse than Rogan? Isn’t he branded as a more “intellectual” to those who listen to both? F.
Shapiro is far better educated and informed than Rogan. He’s more of traditional conservative, who only begrudgingly supports Trump. Of course he’s still a propagandist and a liar.
How the fuck did Klandace get such a boost?
By having a black female, the right can point to a single source when accused of being either racist or misogynist. No longer do they need to remember two separate podcasts to affirm they are neither racist nor misogynistic. That leaves them much more time to beat off to JRE and his clones and lesser offspring.
Probably by buying subscribers like Shapiro did. Pump the numbers up, get a boost for the algo, get more clicks.
That shaved ape moron Dan Bongino is that high? Times is bleak
I was wondering why my dad texted me today to tell me George Soros was planning to fund anti Trump podcasts
It is amazing how fast their propaganda machines work. They will anticipate breaking stories and provide bullshit lines of reasoning to discredit them before they are even widely shared.
They’ve had decades to finely tune the propaganda machine — utilizing surveillance capitalism, big data, and analytics — A/B testing their PsyOps campaigns in real-time.
The whole Cambridge Analytica debacle occurred almost a decade ago, and every criminal involved went on to bigger and better criminal enterprises. Major political parties across western “democracies” were directly involved in treasonous disinformation campaigns against their own citizens — a multinational corporate oligarchy were directly involved — that’s why there were zero consequences…
We’ve already been living in corporate dictatorships for a long time. We just didn’t know it yet.
We’ve already been living in corporate dictatorships for a long time. We just didn’t know it yet.
Can’t really overstate that.
Everything you say is true. You can also trace this form of psychological warfare back to WWII. Propaganda got a real bad rap because of how it was used to manipulate people around the world. It was repackaged and renamed as public relations.
This should have been the tipping point of governments rejecting propaganda and protecting their citizens from its effects. Instead they decided to use the best of psychology and sociology to continue to manipulate people. This is a basic violation of human rights so egregious that any government that allows it has betrayed its own people.
I don’t think it’s that amazing when you consider there’s multiple groups staffed by PhD professors with decades of expertise being paid to sit around all day and anticipate this stuff. Hell Trisha Paytas does this on her own .
The thing that kids me is why we’re all so terrible at finding counters to this stuff.
crazy to me that he’s thinking the guy who might be funding anti Trump podcasts is a threat and not the richest man in the world who has agents infiltrating and collecting data on every government agency. Like, is dudes tin foil hat on right?
Meh. Dumb voters will just flock to the next trigger topic.
You’re not wrong but any cultural shift like this is enough to cling to optimism. If/when the fast food catches up to Trump and he croaks JD Vance will be the one trying to defend these trash policies. Him (or anybody else) are not going to be as effective bullshit artists…
The Republicans aren’t looking for leadership or ideas, they’re looking for a strong man who beats his chest at “Soy boy rivals”
Vance… aint that guy
Sad to say, but it’s likely some of this bump they’re getting is TYT listeners/viewers leaving after Cenk and Anna’s latest spar with literally everyone near their orbit (and even losing some contributors). Many -oh so many- disaffected MSNBC viewers turned to non-traditional media after 2016, I cannot imagine how many might be leaving for more actually progressive sources after the recent election… but TYT has fumbled the bag here by both attacking other progressives AND doing shit like Charlie Kirk “debates” and interviews with Tucker Carlson.
I really hope they turn the ship around, because going after MAGA die hards isn’t the answer. At any rate, Majority Report seems to be doing just fine so there’s that.
by both attacking other progressives AND doing shit like Charlie Kirk “debates” and interviews with Tucker Carlson.
I’m sorry, they did what!? You must be kidding. I never felt the vibe was right with them: old, weird freaks asking for donations the whole show. But this is on another level…
I wish I was kidding… here’s Cenk being given a (mostly) kid gloves “debate” with Francesca. She’s since left TYT over Cenk’s embrace of MAGA and Anna’s embrace of TERF talking points.
TYT telling the trans woman on staff that “Ana knows better than she does about how to help the trans community” was the final straw for me. You don’t get to silence a minority group by saying you’re doing it for their benefit.
The subsequent doubling down of “actually we’re the victims here!” was just confirmation.
I don’t know these people but even just reading that already made me so tired. I’m so ready for everybody to forget we exist again.
2020-2030 is really making 2000-2010 seem like paradise out here, which is something I never thought I’d say, as a trans woman who barely survived 2000-2010. 🙃
Effing preach!!!
TYT went full grifter mode but way too obvious.
Welcome to Polymarket Studios!
The young Turks. Center right
Yep. It’s been a whole thing on the YouTube political drama channels and in like Dem Leaning progressive spaces.
Hmm, one success speaks more to that one podcast’s popularity than a political shift.
If only they would bother to vote.
Let’s see if there’ll be another chance.
That’s where you come in my friend. It’s going to take boots in the ground and hard work to get people to vote. I’m going to do my part, I hope you will to. 💙
womp womp, isnt that what the right wingers say… Only they originally said it about a story about seperating an “illegal imigrant” 10 year old girl with downs syndrome from her parents and keeping her in a cage, if I recall correctly. And then they refused to apologize for it.
Not only that, but they very much acted like they were the ones who were owed an apology
Meidas is #35 on Spotify. Not sure how that’s “dethroning” Rogan. 😂
Spotify is not the home of all podcasts, and it’s actually a really shitty way to get your podcasts imo. Other people pointed me toward AntennaPod (which is free and open source) and it’s just straight up better. There are several advantages, but the only one I needed to hear about was not needing to connect to a server to be able to listen to a podcast I had already downloaded to my phone. If I didn’t listen to a podcast for a couple seconds from my home wifi before getting in the car, I’d just be driving for a few minutes in silence until Spotify could verify that I was a paying customer before they’d let me listen to free content already downloaded to my device. Ridiculous.
Not shitting on you, btw. Just shitting on Spotify and hopefully introducing some people to a thing that’s made my life better.
Pocket Casts is my favorite, but AP is a great option that I used for quite a while.
I second Pocket Casts, but I was grandfathered in, so I’m not getting the new user experience, though I only take advantage of the desktop app.
Mm, fair point. I was also grandfathered in. But if I recall correctly, the free stuff is still pretty great.
I wish they’d make a podcast app with a playback feature that’s not just a single seekbar. If for some reason you need to scroll through something, having a small bar represent an hour or two doesn’t give much granularity. I’ve been using audiopo, where your entire screen becomes the playback bar, but it’s not really a podcast app so it doesn’t have a good way to organize your files.
We don’t really have a good UI solution to that anywhere, though.
The closest I’ve seen is with longform video apps, where scrubbing along the progress bar pops up a little video preview, but it’s not consistently available, it’s a half-baked idea, and if I had a dollar for every time the preview didn’t match up to what you actually got when you hit play, I’d probably have enough to hire someone to fix it.
In podcasts, I think chapters is the best idea going, but it’s not well-implemented either.
I think scrubbing along the progress bar is just a bad visual metaphor. I don’t know what’s better, but I just don’t think it’s great.
Oh wow. I’ve never heard of Pocket Casts.
Of their top 100 podcasts - Meidas Touch is not even listen. Thank you for this.
I’m not entirely sure that counts. Last I heard, their “top x” lists were just aggregates of other storefronts’ “top x” lists.
Antenna Pod is great! Lately I’ve been using Podcast Republic and I can’t remember why I tried it specifically, but importantly it has very in-depth retention and download rules so I can exclude previews of the paid feed that are only 20 minutes long, sort podcasts by date or by title (handy if you pull in LibriVox books by RSS feed), create a podcast from a folder of files, and various other handy features.
Apple and YouTube are way more dominant in the podcast market than Spotify is, though neither of them show Meidas above Rogan either, so I don’t know where these numbers are coming from.
Exactly! I’m showing these people that these are made up numbers, and I give one example, Spotify, and THATS what they’re hung up on. Not that the article is lying to them. Like…you can’t fake this level of stupidity.
You’re calling me stupid because I respectfully informed you that your source didn’t apply to all podcasts and then went a step further and recommended a better (and free) platform to enjoy podcasts from? Not cool.
I don’t really care if this podcast is #1 or not. I care that Spotify is bad at podcasts and I like to share that there are better ways because I myself didn’t know any better until somebody told me.
Industry publications regularly have access to metrics that storefronts don’t display, though. I’m willing to believe that they have data supporting this, but it’s weird that it’s not being shown anywhere.
Spotify is where less than a quarter of people listen to podcasts
Joe is only on Spotify
Edit: okay apparently in the past week or two he became non exclusive. Funny timing.
Because Spotify is just one source…
Every site I’ve looked up has Meidas at 20+. Not sure what you’re getting at.
Wish this podcast got attention before the election.
So they replaced one form of garbage with another?
I hate to have to inform you of this, but if you don’t like leftists, and moderate leftists, you’re in the wrong social media platform.
We are sooner going to unite against class traitorism than we will tankies. Just an FYI we defederated from the tankies.
This comment here is why Lemmy will never get even a percent of reddit user numbers. Who gives a shit about that nonsense.
The ability of Lemmy to alienate even center left liberals never ceases to amaze me. The only way to stop Trump is a broad alliance from center right to left, not some communist revolution fantasy.
Users of a platform complaining about the platform they are actively using never ceases to amaze me.
If you are trying to imply Democrats are leftists you are fucking delusional. Liberals don’t understand class unity and do everything they can to prevent it from happening.
Where in the fuck did I say anything like that? Stop projecting your own shit on to me. The Democrats are a corporatist right wing party that I only am willing to vote for because the opposition is literally fascist. Just because I am stuck in a broken system doesn’t mean that I support it in any way other than harm reduction. Try and look at my name again before you assume shit about me.
The people you are voting for are literal fascists. Your name is irrelevant, if you are supporting enablers of fascism like Democrats that makes you a democrat
TIL The Baha’i Faith doesn’t exist. You are being tankie-ish with this gatekeeping. We have exactly two options. No more, no less. Until we can get rid of our first genuinely honest mistake, FPTP will consistently make the vote a decision between literal evil, and harm reduction. I vote for harm reduction, despite calling them and telling them how to be better once a week. I don’t have a better option, because sitting out allows fascism to take over.
Please tell me, a former USN Captain, an entrepreneur, and a finally retired food Safety manager, IT manager, and QA manager, as well as a literal Jack of All Trades, a master of a few, and a literal Nuclear Power Program Electronics Technician Instructor, what the ever loving fuck I can do? I am not allowed to be part of a political party, I’m only allowed to vote, protest, and take up arms against threats to my community.
The first two I’m already doing.
YOU have 2 options, you can’t get rid of a system you’re actively participating in. This mentality is like that of the abused spouse, ‘he beats me but I love him so much’ so the beating either gets worse, and/or the spouse is eventually killed from it.
The rest of us will refuse to participate in a system of exploitation and death. You as an individual person can’t do shit to create change, millions of us collectively can.
Unsurprising .ml
Surprised hoe has anytime to podcast while he is dick riding musk and his billionaire pals