• Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I’m definitely serious about Scarlet Johansson sitting on my face. That’s more likely to happen than Canada becoming part of the US.

  • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    Fuck the US Government, everyone in it, and every citizen living under it.

    Every single person in the US is either in full support of this nonsense, pretending like a petition or election is going to stop a “Fascist regime” from taking over, don’t care as long as it isn’t them, (edit) or chronically online ignoramus’ who believe violence is the only solution because being a lazy cunt hasn’t worked yet. Like always, we have to deal with their shit when it hits the fan because of proximity and I am sick of it.

    It doesn’t matter who is in power down there, Canadians always get fucked over by the US Government.

    We need to completely disconnect from that country and close our borders to them. No more US Companies in our borders, no more trade, no more tourism, no more intelligence cooperation or military support, just a complete disconnect. Not until Trump is out, or the Democrats regain a little power, but indefinitely until the point when our ideologies actually align and the US can demonstrate they aren’t a terrorist state masquerading as “Leader of the free world”.

      • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        Did I miss another category or are you just upset by the group you are a part of?

        • OldChicoAle@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          I know you’re upset. We all are. But blaming every American isn’t the answer. Take a few deep breaths and collect your thoughts.

          Remember, WE actually have to live in this country. People are suffering more than our neighbors right now. Please don’t disregard their feeling because you’re next door and upset. We actually have to live through this daily.

          • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
            1 month ago

            I know you’re upset. We all are. But blaming every American isn’t the answer. Take a few deep breaths and collect your thoughts.

            I am not blaming every American and expecting it to be an answer. I am airing my grievances with your shit ass Government and uneducated population because it is a big fucking problem hoping you get your collective shit together.

            Welcome to Democracy. It is a team game. Everyone is to blame for a loss.

            I have collected my thoughts and concluded that your pretentious attitude should have been left out of your response.

            Remember, WE actually have to live in this country. People are suffering more than our neighbors right now. Please don’t disregard their feeling because you’re next door and upset. We actually have to live through this daily.

            Remember YOU got what you put in. I have been alive for almost 36 years and the entire time the USA has been a fucking joke to Canada and the rest of the world, and it is because of shit like Trump always happening. Even your “good” Presidents are hostile to Canada and the rest of the world. Biden increased Trumps tariffs from the previous admin continuing to damage my home province, and Obama really loved those drone strikes.

            We have to live through this shit daily too but the difference is we can do shit all about your shenanigans. We cannot vote the idiots you let in out. We cannot educate the 75% of your adult population that is functionally or clinically illiterate.

            One last time:

            Get your collective uneducated shit together.

        • acutfjg@feddit.nl
          1 month ago

          You’re just another commenter spouting bullshit into a void. Keep going if want. Just making it clear to others how much bs is out there.

          • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
            1 month ago

            You’re just another commenter spouting bullshit into a void. Keep going if want. Just making it clear to others how much bs is out there.

            Pot meet kettle.

              • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
                1 month ago

                No shit, but it wastes your time for a brief moment

                It is always interesting when trolls self depreciate in an attempt to attack another. I know, like every one in your life has always known, that any interaction with you is a complete waste of time. We all choose to waste time in different ways and one of the ways I choose to do that is interacting with ignoramus’ so that I can later laugh at them with my partner.

                I appreciate your continued effort to “waste my time” by providing us with comic relief in these troubling time. 👍

    • WhiskyTangoFoxtrot@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I don’t think isolating ourselves from the only people that we can trade with without crossing an ocean is feasible, but we should certainly give nothing voluntarily.

      • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        I don’t think isolating ourselves from the only people that we can trade with without crossing an ocean is feasible, but we should certainly give nothing voluntarily.

        I don’t think proximity is a good enough excuse to do business with a hostile nation, especially in a world of technology that makes things like inter continental trade much easier. We have ports on both sides of our country, and negotiated trade deals, to reach these markets with further negotiations taking place as we speak.

        Will it hurt? Yes.

        Is that a reason to not disconnect from the USA? No.

    • Bayesian@lemmy.ca
      1 month ago

      This is a class war, don’t get it twisted. The working class in the US are a bulwark against that shit coming here.

      By all means, fuck the Cheeto & large American corpos. But working class is working class. Don’t be selling us out to Loblaws just because you decided some farmer in Minnesota is to blame for the broken system they have down there.

      • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        This is a class war, don’t get it twisted. The working class in the US are a bulwark against that shit coming here.

        Trump is dismantling the country piece by piece and no one is doing shit all to stop it, including and especially the working class. This is not a class war. This is the beginning of an Economic war which could escalate further because Trump intends to annex Canada.

        This is the fault of every US citizen whether they voted for it or are currently standing by and letting it happen.

        By all means, fuck the Cheeto & large American corpos. But working class is working class. Don’t be selling us out to Loblaws just because you decided some farmer in Minnesota is to blame for the broken system they have down there.

        No, fuck all of them. Class doesn’t matter here, every citizen of that country is responsible for this mess.

        I haven’t shopped at Loblows in almost 20 years and anyone who thinks shopping there supports Canadians is an ignoramus.

        Farmers are not working class, the people who work on their farms are. They also voted for Trump in large numbers.

        Every US citizen is responsible for the broken system. That is how Democracy works.

        • Bayesian@lemmy.ca
          1 month ago

          If you think democracy is to blame here, you need to educate yourself about how things work down there. Capitalists have bought and paid their way through elections playing both parties for decades & pumping out propaganda from the media networks they own.

          There is no party for the working class in the US. Voters largely did NOT vote for Trump. They voted to abstain or held their nose and voted for the least-bad option. And of those who did vote for Trump they did so in protest & a lack of better options. That’s why Trump is in office, and the oligarchs are just playing you into believing otherwise lest the working class realizes we outnumber them.

          Blaming common folk for the exploits of billionaires is exactly what your owners want you to be doing. Your anger and outrage is important and valuable, but you need to wake up and place the blame where it belongs.

          Start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC

  • DragonTypeWyvern@midwest.social
    1 month ago

    If Trudeau was smart he’d go ahead and set up an Office for American Defectors, it’s going to be busy and you want to get ahead of these things.

    • Tiefling IRL
      1 month ago

      I’m one of those, unfortunately. I’ve been fighting for my right to exist in the US since I was 5 only to be “rewarded” with Pumpkin Spice Shitler and President Swasticar. I’m fucking exhausted, the US is a lost cause full of uneducated psychopaths.

      Besides, I have lots of friends & community up here. Integrating with the local culture has been a breeze, everyone has been welcoming and I’ve been very much enjoying my time here.

      I guess my point is that the people fleeing right now are not the people y’all should be worried about. Those are the sane ones who are beyond fed up with the US’s bullshit, we are on the same page as you. It’s the people who willingly stay behind that everyone should be afraid of.

  • Dearche@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    Take anything a leader says seriously, and at full value. They represent a group, even if that group would rather they not do so, as they hold power to bring what they say at least a little closer to reality (or burn their constituency trying). Just because they say “oh, I’m just joking BTW” afterwards, doesn’t mean that they weren’t serious at the time and intended to do their best to make it reality before receiving backlash or something.

    Anything Trump says should be treated as if he has already signed an executive order to make it happen. If he won’t take responsibility for his own words, he should be made to by others, because words, even the most absurd and casually said ones, carry the power of office, and reveals at least a part of the leader’s actual intent.

    It is in not taking such words seriously that so many tragedies have happened over the course of history. These days, rhetoric is sounding eerily close to those said back in the 1930s, and I don’t mean only those from one southern madman. Many of our own leaders spend all their time and effort deflecting and blaming others for their own failings.

    Fail to learn from history, and you fail to prevent its repetition.

    • floofloof@lemmy.caOP
      1 month ago

      It’s a fascist tactic, to sow confusion by “just joking” right up to the day when suddenly they’re not just joking but pointing a gun at you.

  • StopTouchingYourPhone@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    And [White House Deputy Chief of Staff James Blair] told us point blank, take the president seriously. Don’t dismiss it as humour.

    “That is a chilling comment coming from the president of the United States, the leader of our closest ally, our biggest trading partner,” he also said.

    When asked whether he has any insight into Trump’s motivations for wanting to take over Canada after his conversations in Washington, Furey said he “didn’t do enough psychiatry in medical school to pretend to understand what motivates the president of the United States at this particular moment,” and called the latter an “erratic actor.”