I’m generally more confident with guys I like, but become super nervous and shy with lady crushes. Its the main reason I’ve had more ‘gay’ relationships that ‘straight’ ones. It’s not that I’m more into guys, it’s kinda the opposite - because I’m relaxed and just want to have some casual fun, it doesn’t feel like a big deal, instead of awkward blush swoon…
I am weird with everyone and flirting just makes it worse. So I guess the answer is no?
I treat everyone the same unless I’m flirting
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Listen, I’m not saying it’s right, but I only flirt with men I like, and completely ignore women I like.
I think I actually a little different around femme folk because I don’t want to come across as intimidating or creepy, but I’m not usually as worried about it around other people. I think it’s mostly anxiety though. I lean a little femme attraction wise and just really don’t want to be viewed as creepy. As far as I know no one has ever thought I’ve acted creepy, so either the anxiety is unfounded or it’s working just right lol.
Nah it’s just this every time
Most guys can’t be attracted to me. Even if I like a guy I act as if I’m talking to a gay woman (no potential for my attraction to be receptive) until I know they like men. After that… I don’t know.
im a lil slow, why can’t they be attracted to you?
Most guys aren’t attracted to other men. I don’t know modern numbers, but wikipedia has <10% of u.s. people identifying as lgbtq+ combined.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBTQ_demographics_of_the_United_States