Well but if you solve 50% of your problems, and then another 50% of the rest, you’ll still have some problems left 🙈
25%, specifically.
Just buy another book then, you’ll have only 12.5% of your problems left.
Hmmm, this is going to take forever…
Better buy all the books and then not start reading even the first one ever.
No, I will absolutely read the first 2 or 3 pages before I quit.
OK, maybe just the first page.
Nah you’ll quickly be close enough to functionally have 0 problems.
Pretty soon most of your problems will be related to buying and storing books.
Of the original 100%, yes.
I saw a book titled “How to solve 50% of your problems”, so I bought ∞
Zeno is gonna be really upset that you are reading from their diary.
have to read it in parallel, not in series
Race condition: You have solved the same 50% problems twice.
buy two books
only solves 75% of my problems
Buy ⌈log₂ p⌉ books, where p is the number of problems you have.
I think you might have to buy one more book as well? If I had four problems, I’d still be left with one.
My bad, you’re right, you need ⌈log₂ p⌉ + 1 books.
“only” “75%”
[off topic]
I once found a book that actually improved my life. It’s “Discover What You’re Best At” by Linda Gail.
I always thought I just hated work, and then I found out that if I have a job I don’t hate I can enjoy life.
Nice. I’ll buy two of that… just to be sure.
I’ve brought about half a dozen over the years. I give them away to people who are struggling. It actually helps.
Perhaps they should dance on the head of a pin while they read it.
But my biggest problem is that I ran out of shelf space!
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