• @kibiz0r@midwest.social
    3610 months ago

    The bill defines female as “a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing eggs” and male as “a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing sperm.”

    1.7% of the population is intersex, so where do they fit in?

    • HubertManne
      710 months ago

      that seems obtuse as well. why not define as if you have a y male and if you don’t female. I am not endorsing this bill but their definition is horrible. I complain about “gender assigned at birth” phrase but boy it fits for this bill.

      • raccoona_nongrata
        1110 months ago

        Kleinfelters is a thing. Some cis women have a Y chromosome and don’t even know it until they happen to get a DNA test.

        There’s simply no good way to use strict definitions of sex to invalidate trans people without excluding some cis people as well.

        • HubertManne
          210 months ago

          yeah there are folks with medical conditions. that is true. this is one thing I fear about the ruckus we have around this nowadays. that it will essentially out them. Honestly I did not make up the cis word so im not sure if it applies. its again another recent type of thing.

          • raccoona_nongrata
            110 months ago

            Yeah, I wouldn’t say with 100% conviction that ‘cis’ definitely applies to people with Klinefelter’s. I actually used it without much consideration in this instance. While on one hand it is a medical condition similar to being trans, I don’t know if it necessarily creates dysphoria that prompts transition. My impression is that Klinefelter’s doesn’t effect a person’s alignment with their assigned at birth gender.

            I could be completely wrong though, I don’t know much about the experience of having Klinefelter’s, it’s just my suspicion is that it seems to be in the same family as being trans, but doesn’t necessarily effect a person’s neurological make-up the way being trans does, just some of their other sex characteristics.

            • @glacier
              10 months ago

              Klinefelter syndrome occurs when a person who is assigned male at birth is born with an extra x chromosome. Most people with the condition are cisgender boys or men.

              Being trans is not a medical condition, although many trans people have gender dysphoria, which is psychological distress a person may have due to identifying with a different gender than the one that they were assigned at birth.

              • raccoona_nongrata
                110 months ago

                Huh? Being trans is absolutely a medical condition. Many people die without appropriate treatment. Trans people are treated seriously by medical professionals because it’s recognized as a legitimate medical need that cannot be resolved through therapy or socialization/conversion therapy. It’s unclear what you’re saying here, that it’s a just social figment or something?

                • @jarfil@beehaw.org
                  310 months ago

                  cannot be resolved through therapy or socialization/conversion therapy

                  I’d go further, and say that anything that needs “just” therapy, is also a medical condition.

                  The mentality of “as long as it lets you work, it doesn’t matter whether you suffer or not” is pretty inhumane, IMHO.

                • @glacier
                  110 months ago

                  Being trans itself is not a medical condition. It just means that someone identifies with a gender that is different than the one that was assigned at birth. There isn’t any medical diagnosis or treatment required for someone to be considered a trans person. Many trans people do have gender dysphoria and that is what we receive treatment for.

      • @kibiz0r@midwest.social
        510 months ago

        It’s probably specifically because they wanted to punt the intersex issue to the court system. Talking about chromosomes is too specific and measurable. Talking about sex in terms of being associated with gametes makes it more subjective.

      • @LassCalibur@beehaw.org
        510 months ago

        Most likely any attempt at specific, verifiable definitions would be insufficient for their fascistic purpose. A biologist, Forrest Valkai, covers well the complexity involved when defining the social construct of sexual differentiation in a measurable way in the video Sex and Sensibility. Hence, the laws reliance on “reproductive role” while simply assuming some unstated definition of “biological sex”.

      • @apis@beehaw.org
        510 months ago

        Because they aren’t interested in doing so, and know that there are no good ways to define these things.

        What they want is the means to impose strict gender norms, and to persecute anyone who does not fit for any reason and in any way.

        So, today they want workers who aren’t super gender conforming to provide their birth certificates to use the restroom. Then they’ll escalate until workers conform or get shoved out. After that, strict gender dress codes for all employees, then gender-specific roles… sometime down the line, a ban on married women working in state organisations, women unofficially barred from most workplaces & most roles, and ideally barred from being out of the house without a male relative as chaperone, blocked from having a bank account or owning property, and in due course… welp now they are property.

      • @StringTheory@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        I have a friend with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. She’s a woman, has always been a woman, is married to a man, and has two adopted kids (AIS means she’s sterile). She has XY chromosomes.

        Is someone going to walk up to her and say, “Sorry, ma’am, you’re male now”?

        Her gender assigned at birth was female. She was raised as a girl, always identified as a girl, and had no idea anything was different until she started having health problems at puberty.

    • @apis@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Fairly confident that fascists don’t want intersex people to exist at all. They won’t say that openly yet, but they clearly find them as bothersome as trans and nonbinary people.

      Nor do they want cis people wandering around thinking they can neglect to adhere to strict conservative gender norms. Indeed, this is likely what all of their deep hatred toward trans people is really about - the means to rile themselves up enough to inflict strict gender norms on the whole population. Whether they are fantasising about a world which looks like a 1950s advertisement for a refrigerator, or several levels more regressive again, they’re not intending any sort of pleasant outcome for anyone whose body or behaviour or identity does not quite fit with the fascist fantasy.

      They won’t succeed in getting that far, but they absolutely will continue to ramp up their attacks.

      EDIT: this is the crux of the phrase “trans rights are human rights”. Trans, NB & intersex people are the canary in the coalmine.

    • @jarfil@beehaw.org
      410 months ago

      Outside the bathrooms, peeing on the wall/floor… or something.

      (if I were intersex, I’d go with malicious compliance)

  • bedrooms
    1810 months ago

    Why are these right wingers obsessed with toilet rules? Rhetorical question.

  • @Auzy@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    Any chance we can have a dedicated left wing male bathroom too? I’m not sure I want right wingers staring at my Wang whilst I’m peeing to confirm my gender giving me stage fright

  • @PostMalort@lemmy.ml
    810 months ago

    I’m going to need to see your birth certificate and your penis before I can let you in this restroom Jim. How is this meant to work exactly?

  • Storksforlegs
    10 months ago

    How would this work?

    What are they going to do put cameras in every bathroom and toilet stall in the state?

    Or more likely encouraging snitching karens barging in on people they suspect of being in the wrong toilet.

    • @jarfil@beehaw.org
      510 months ago

      What are they going to do put cameras in every bathroom and toilet stall in the state?

      Not enough. You’d need a camera in every toilet, and people to review the footage… maybe reduce government spending by crowd-sourcing it, post the videos on “hidden camera” porn sites and let the community vote… 🙄

  • AutoTL;DRB
    110 months ago

    🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

    Click here to see the summary

    Florida education officials on Wednesday unanimously approved harsher penalties against state college employees who violate a new law barring them and students from using restrooms or changing facilities for a gender other than the one assigned at birth.

    The move by the state board of education comes as LGBTQ advocates have criticized the law as a larger effort to erase them from Florida schools and society.

    DeSantis, who is currently fighting to be the Republican front-runner for president among 12 others, has signed contentious bills aimed at curtailing LGBTQ rights.

    One of the bills signed into law by DeSantis prohibits transgender children from receiving gender-affirming treatments, including prescriptions that block puberty hormones or sex-reassignment surgeries.

    Under a provision DeSantis signed into law, teachers, faculty and students would be restricted from using the pronouns of their choice in public schools.

    The bill defines female as “a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing eggs” and male as “a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing sperm.”

    Saved 69% of original text.