in portuguese, i just came across “por que o vírus da gripe não tem amigos? porque ele é uma má influenza”
translation: “why does the flu virus have no friends? because it’s a bad influenza!”(Influence)
i think it could work in english but sounds better in portuguese.
I’m sure there’s a better example in Ukrainian, but
Як як? Ну як як? Як як як…
Not really a pun and not translateable as a joke, but same word that can repeat to form a sentence.
Joke is a guy went to the zoo and friend is asking him how was yak. He replies with yak was like yak.
In English we have
Which means:
Yeah, verb is kind of a stretch though.
Also relevant: Americans think Bison and Buffalo are the same type of animal.
I’ve seen this before and always thought the verb was a stretch since it is definitely not used in modern English, but I do like the idea of forming a sentence this way.
I’ve always used this version, since the verb is commonly used in modern English unlike buffalo:
Police police police Police police police Police police.
That expands to “the police from Police, Poland will police the police from Police, Poland, who in turn also police the police from Police, Poland” or something like that.
It doesn’t work as well spoken, though? Pretty sure Police is pronounced something like po-lee-tseh.
Also, I think you might have swapped a police with Police: “Police police, (whom) Police police police, police Police police.”