“There are instances where in classrooms, you have curriculum that is needed to use flags such as World War II, Civil War,” he said. “You may have a Nazi flag. You may have a Confederate flag, and so you are allowed to display those flags… as part of the curriculum, and that is okay.”
There are no such instances. Students are fully capable of learning about the Confederacy and the Nazis without those actual flags being present in the classroom. They know this, so there must be some other reason they’re pushing this bill.
I dunno, man, I didn’t understand the Holocaust at all until my teacher starved some students to death and tossed them in an oven.
They’re also admitting that they don’t teach anything about LGBTQ+ at all in any realm. Not health class, civics, history, art, nothing.
I had friends raised in Utah. This is true. You might get a week-long unit at the high school, but otherwise, unless you have a GSA club, LGBTQ+ history is muffled.
But oohhhh, they’ll talk about Pioneer History every year in History class.
And by Pioneer History, they mean Mormon-church approved Mormon history.
Honest question: is there any other state/region in the world where a cult has unbridled power?
Utah boggles my mind.
Iran. North Korea. Russia.
“Congratulations” for joining that party.
They didn’t teach anything LGBTQ+ related in NJ schools from the 90’s to 00’s that I remember.
To be fair, the LaserActive was a pretty cool system.
As a high schooler in Utah, this is true. There’s essentially zero mention of the community even existing, except for certain classes where it inevitably comes up (like current issues), and even then only certain teachers will approach those topics, and it’s definitely not part of their curriculum.
"You may have a Nazi flag. You may have a confederate flag… "
I mean, hey, who doesn’t for just such an occasion?
Utah openly promoting using their tax dollars towards purchasing NAZI and Confederate paraphernalia instead of using free images provided in the textbooks and online
I’m not disagreeing with you, just wanted to share that my mom’s high school year book from the early 90s has a picture of one of her teachers dressed like a nazi performing a sieg heil, all for display as a part of the curriculum. She said no one batted an eye or voiced concern for it back then. I truly hope we don’t see things like that return to classrooms today, but it wasn’t that long ago that it was normal either. I would assume a lot of the people pushing this bill might have experienced something similar.
I firmly believe this is because we’ve lost almost all of our world war two veterans. These shitlords kept it under wraps all these years because deep down, they knew pap paw would 100% get up out of his wheelchair to kill one last Nazi.
I think we know the solution then.
Be like pap paw
Yeah, ok. So not even pretending to hide it anymore. I fucking hate this country.
Why would they hide it? The more they flaunt, the more their base is emboldened. Turns out people fucking love evil.
Approved flags for display in government buildings and schools would include the Utah state and U.S. flags, military flags, flags for other countries, flags for Native American tribes and official flags for colleges and universities. The bill also allows for the flying of a “historic version of a flag … that is temporarily displayed for educational purposes,”
So, fuck it, every school in Utah should do a special educational bit about the history of the city of Cusco between 1978 and 2021..
This is some BS man. He’s saying you can fly the Nazi flag because it’s “historic”. Well, hell, isn’t the gay pride flag historic? Good luck getting a definition out of these fucks. If he could write the law he really wanted to write it would say “keep off any flags I don’t agree with”.
Technically, if something happened yesterday, it is also historic.
More along the lines of not wanting kids to know or being exposed to lgbtq culture, but he is fine with kids knowing about and being exposed to Nazi culture
by historic he means it’s part of their history. sorry but this is some “that’s our heritage” bullshit. they allow it cause they identify with it. they don’t like the pride flag because identifying with that is scary to them.
I only read the listing in the comment and that says “any historic version”. I don’t think the pride flag fits that description since it’s not an old version of any of the other listed categories, no matter how historic it is in itself.
It’s been a unit battle flag more than once iirc.
Do they also salute the flag with a musk salute?
God I hate living in Utah.
Whole world is going crazy like that nazi/right way. Not just Utah. There is no place to escape. We should be strong and withstand these “tests” of our worldview.
The only reason to have a nazi flag in a school curriculum, is to learn how to tear it down and rip it in two.
That’s because love and compassion for others is obviously evil.
While hatred and oppression of minorities is good and righteous.But of course you have to be an idiot to understand that, so you probably don’t.
It’s Utah, WTF do expect.
Racism, bigotry, and polygamy.
Not alot of Jazz music though…as the NBA team would suggest
I suggest they change to the Utah Mormoms or Utah Polygamists.
You know how people say the fact that we never excised confederates/slavery from amongst us has led to modern issues? Well, the same holds true of Mormons. Most Americans have no idea the level of money, clout, and insane shit based in Utah. For example, I bet you didn’t know the Mormon church owns approximately 1 in every ~550 acres of privately-held land in the United States. Warning: the Mormon bullshit rabbit hole is deeper than you can imagine and may cause you to start writing a years-long book project, in my experience. You’ve been warned!
Mormonism is America’s future. It’s the prosperity gospel attached to a powerful lobbying contingent that exists to perpetuate MLM schemes.
If you think things are bad now, wait until Mormons are fully in control of California.
That’s a strange veer towards a completely unrelated topic… But anyway, considering that roughly 1 in 100 people are Mormon in the US, it’s not that surprising that 1 in 550 of the land also is. It’s surprising they’re trailing so far behind the average actually.
EDIT: oh wait, you mean the church owns it. Yeah, ok, that is very weird. But Mormonism is a very weird thing by definition…
Yeah, that’s church-owned. But does raise the interesting point of prominent Mormon billionaires/CEOs. And investment firms. And investments. And their history with the federal government/Republicans. And…
Holy christ on a pogo stick, I had no idea on the population stats for mormon’s. We really are a stupid species lol. I had a good neighborhood friend growing up who’s family was mormon, didn’t persay have anything against the religion then but later found out about all the racists connotations and how members are treated. If anyone wants to learn more there’s a good Ex mormon vid going over the southpark mormon episode and the religion etc.
If you read both the linked story and its update you will see a good example of how the press is supposed to interact with power. In sharp relief to the cringing fawning appeasement we see the mainstream press engaging in with this criminally insane presidential administration.
Headline is kind of clickbait
The bill also allows for the flying of a “historic version of a flag … that is temporarily displayed for educational purposes,”
“There are instances where in classrooms, you have curriculum that is needed to use flags such as World War II, Civil War,” he said. “You may have a Nazi flag. You may have a Confederate flag, and so you are allowed to display those flags… as part of the curriculum, and that is okay.”
The law is still dumb for wanting to ban the pride flag.
I would just show the kids a picture of the flag in the book and if they don’t understand why some Americans are objecting to the flying of a Nazi flag. Maybe they should read the damn book. 
I had a teacher put a Confederate flag in our classroom ‘for history’. She also spent the entire weeks-long Civil War module drilling into our young minds that the war was about States’ rights, not slavery.
This was a popular thing when I was young, and yes there was a debate over what state laws/federal laws wanted, but Kansas has a very interesting history - were runaway slaves left Missouri and headed into Lawrence and people of Missouri took the law into their own hands to hunt down fugitive- runaway slaves, sometimes because they just wanted the bounty or the reward.
In one incident, the sheriff from a city in Missouri was shot at and as a response people from Missouri Road into Lawrence and burnt down most of the big buildings and killed a couple of people and stole several horses. This was known as the border war and it occurred far before 1861. It was all about racism, hatred, and money, and it had absolutely nothing to do with state rights 
Yep, it was about the north fighting for their right not NOT participate in slavery, as the south tried to force slavery upon them (fugitive slave act), then seceded from the US and attacked it.
It was the war of southern aggression.
I’m pretty sure the flag was the least of the problems here.
The flag was a (partially) red flag
How would a pride flag not be a part of history unless you are openly admitting to altering history
You do make a good point.
Although the idea that the 80s is being taught in history classes makes me feel old.
Greenday plays on the classic rock station, the 80s is practically ancient history, haha /s and now crying
I’d imagine the armbands will be next.