I think they are great, my wife, not so much. I’m sad that they are only being offered for National Soup month.
What the hell are soup drops? National Soup month?? Is this a shitpost?
No no, they are real and I actually like them.
No this is a souppost.
Negative. Regret to inform friend that this shit is, in fact, real.
If there were no abominations such as this, how I ask, would we know paradise?
But wouldn’t it just taste like cold/lukewarm soup? Sure there are some soups that are served cold or whatever, but it ain’t Progresso.
No, not quite. It’s the same as if you were eating a hard candy, just savory instead of sweet.
I… Hmm. What a strange concept. I don’t know how to feel about this one…
Savoury, soup flavored hard candy.
It is in fact strange and I can see how it’s not for everyone, but I like them.
I would 100% buy these if they came in Thai tom yum soup flavor
That would be amazing.
Similarly, Tom Kha has always been my go to cold/hangover cure. It’s immediately refreshing and I always feel physically better after eating/drinking it. The spices, ginger, and coconut do some heavy lifting for sure
Are they… sweet? Like… soup candy? Or are they more meaty and salty and savory like… well… soup tends to be?
There is a hint of sweetness from the isomalt, but overall they are savory.
From what I remember seeing posted before about them, they are salty. And apparently the flavor is rather bad.
NB: I’ve never tried them, and have no experience with soup… candy…
Did you also watch Seth Meyers try them?
I don’t know who that is.