Police say that the man had been intoxicated and began arguing with patrons inside the establishment, and that the dispute then spilled into the street. At some point in the melee, the aggressor’s pants fell down and his penis apparently became stuck to the ice. Somehow, though details were not specified, emergency personnel managed to detach him, relatively uninjured. He was subsequently arrested but not charged with a crime.
“I triple-dog-dare ya!”
Triple dong dare?
Stuck… stuck… STUUUUUCK!
Lmao thanks you
Apparently the heavily blurred photos showed the man’s member “basically glued” to the ice even as people tried to help pull him off.
The last thing I’d want if my dick was frozen to the sidewalk would be strangers trying to pull me off. I usually like to get to know someone before I let them pull me off.
the heat from all that extra blood flow might melt the ice, surely?
Don’t call me Shirley!
Crocodile Dundee: “You call THAT a penis?”
Crocodile Dongdee
I’ve seen that
This is the kind of content I pay my license fee for.
This is the risk you take when you go for the emergency tactic.
Make sure you have good traction before doin’ the ol’ “Won’t fight a man with his penis out”.
Thank you for posting and helping to spread awareness. Next time it could be me. Next time it could be you! Stay vigilant, folks!
Jimbabwe Founder of Concretepheliacs, USA “Thrusting Toward a Level, Uncompressed Playing Field”
Sounds like a regular winter weekend out in Newcastle.
[Genuine] Glad they specified a man’s penis. The cis (or at least this journal) are learning.
I feel bad challenging this assumption, but I believe it is just a case of needing someone connected to the penis in a passive voice headline and they went the generic approach. Nothing special about the man, so just man. Not a male / man penis. It’s possessive.
Could have been literal brass monkeys weather.
I really need to stop opening my gate with my penis.
‘only in Canada’ huh?
Is the Men’s Journal an onion?
Nope, genuine icy wiener.
stop lookin ya perv!
Put it away then!