Lime Buzz (fae/she)


Plural and not human, don’t refer to us with any human-related words or include us in humanity in any way. First ‘person’ pronouns will change based on who/what is talking.

Not here to punish, your punitive mindset is showing.

Ask more questions, assume less.

  • 82 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2022


  • The problem with this I have found is for me at least it only goes one way in that it is usually me that is expected to show good faith and understanding and not the other way around. In the face of such hostility, ridicule and scorn this can be difficult to maintain when ‘the other side’ is not showing the same kindness.

    As can be seen, I did go out of my way to explain and answer questions but was met by increasing levels of disbelief etc and all of their answers were usually nothing I hadn’t heard or seen before in similar situations.

    Sure. Your point is well made and I get that, however no one in that thread seemed to be making that argument, just that they should be able to use it regardless because they genuinely believed that langauge is free to be used regardless of what the originators of a language have to say, especially if they have been and still are oppressed.

    And one or two egregious examples said that it was ‘just’ slang that was part of Gen Z/Internet culture despite it genuinely having been stolen from black folks, the meanings changed and then gatekept from black people, especially through ridicule.

    The other thing is that folks often get confused between AAE and Southern English because in a lot of ways they do sound similar and have had genuine cultural exchange. However, they are not exactly the same.

    It also made me very uncomfortable that the one actual black person in the thread was ignored when they said that it was a problem and that they have to live it. Food for thought.

    I do appreciate you taking the time to talk to me in an actually decent way and would love to continue this if you would also like to.

  • Okay. But what will they then actually do to materially and politically support us? Words are meaningless if they aren’t followed through with actions.

    Will they tell homophobes/transphobes etc to get lost? Will they educate others? Will they actually back and support programs etc for us to get and keep more rights at work, in the countries we live in etc? Will they give us money? Will they stand by us in actual protests etc?

    We need co-conspirators, not just folks that say pretty and kind words and then do nothing beyond that.