The absurd irony that Navajos are being rounded up as immigrants by White people who stole their land is … I have no words.
ICE agents who fail to recognize these documents as valid proof of citizenship
Ice is fucking ill trained.
no. they’re extremely well trained. this is exactly what their instructors say to do. delay, defer, detain. those are their instructions
Those are interesting instructions. Very short, very concise. You could write them practically anywhere so you never forget them, even on a very small surface! I’ll bet with some practice and good penmanship, you could even write them on a surface somewhere between 8-10 millimeters.
You actually have 19mm of space for writing. Or you could upsize to something with 51mm or even 54R (mm).
some native might want to write these words on a bullet soon.
Another point in the long list of proof that ICE enforcement is entirely appearance-based and discriminatory. I expect no one who dislikes ICE is surprised, and no one who either likes them or who is ambivalent to them, cares.
I wish there was a way to dismantle and permanently prevent ICE from existing… including the people who voluntarily choose to work for that dept.