I have one outstanding order that is already out for delivery. Once I get that, I’m closing my amazon account. I’m done. Buy nothing. Vote with your wallet. Edit: account is closed. get bent Bozos.
It is a shame it is always the same companies. I can only boycott them once.
It’s always worth cutting ties with Amazon.
Just about everything is available from somewhere else, and probably cheaper with their enormous fees they charge the sellers.
If it isn’t available elsewhere, it’s probably an Aliexpress fire hazard anyway.
Another reason to buy things directly from the manufacturer rather then from Amazon. It’s generally cheaper as well.
Closed my account last night. Made my partner close theirs and cancel prime too.
Its funny how these corpos were praised when they raised the LGBT colors, back then they were the moral compas of the western societies, now they’re “fascist”.
Maybe people won’t forget that the companies would do anything in order to increase profits. They never cared about anyone rights, else they wouldn’t use slave labor in southeast Asia, or Sub-Saharan Africa.
The cooperation of capital and government is an integral part of fascist regimes. They where never your friends and have no ideology beyond their profits by any means.
They’ll kiss whatever ring they need to kiss. The only moral these people have is “number go up”. Fuck this planet.
How do I leave AWS?
I use S3, EC2, SNS (or whatever they call it now), email, cloudfront
I want the same fast servers and CDN. I can probably pay someone else for email and sms services
You learn how to hack multiple other services together, and you coordinate with multiple third parties + their different applications. There are no other feature complete competitors. The S in AWS is what defined it. The AW part doesn’t matter; anyone can do that with enough cash, effort, and skill. Welcome to the global monopoly, thank you for your support by using AWS.
Not sure if DigitalOcean stacks up in similar ways or not. Also not sure what their politics are.
I’d be curious about options as well.
Amazon has always been worse for me in terms of delovery times and service anyway. I only order shit there that I otherwise need to get from Aliexpress or whatever
Remember when Bezos pretended to be in opposition to Trump? That was nice while it lasted.
I guess I can delete “slow down if I see Jeff Bezos crossing the street” from my policies.
Wait, rainbow capitalism wasn’t sincere?
I left the Amazon ecosystem a couple of years ago because fuck Bezos and it wasn’t a big deal, really. Accumulating stuff is a mindset I could reason myself out of. I call it the power of No, thank you. I buy mostly second hand now and it’s so calming. Saves me money as well.That fuck bezos link is gold, thanks for sharing.
we advocate for policies designed to remove barriers to equity
Holy shit that’s the most corpo speak “we don’t believe in affirmative action” policy I’ve ever heard
Don’t worry guys, all these corporations will bring back those pretty rainbow logos for Pride Month™ and all will be forgotten.
except this will be the start of the year they stop doing that, because now it becomes the “popular” side to not support it.
Oh, you know trump will issue an EP revoking Pride Month, and all the businesses will forget about it. It makes me sick.
Well I guess it’s a good thing I have begun my 4 years of austerity. I am not spending one dime more than I need to for necessities. I cancelled Amazon Prime a year ago and will be making every effort to buy whatever necessities I usually would get from there elsewhere.
I’m actually doing the same. I’m going to really consider, to the best of my ability, and with the best information available, the political background of the things I spend my money on. If I -need- a semi-frivolous thing, I’ll buy from a blue state or used on eBay. No hiring of the trades for me; if I can’t do it myself, I probably don’t need it that bad (I live in a red state). No Amazon, Facebook, and especially no Tesla (not that I was ever interested in the first place). I will try to support artists and other people who have a politically agreeable mission, however.
What’s the worst that can happen? I end up with a giant pile of money I would have blown? I’m fine with that.