Part of the problem is the will of the people has been superseded by decades of corporate and politicial interests (e.g. Citizens United, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Bush v Gore, etc etc).
Perhaps we should have been fighting back, but this is decades in the making.
Saying that’s part of the problem is akin to saying the asteroid was part of the problem for dinosaurs. All you’re really missing is the gutting of critical thinking in public education under Reagan.
Part of the problem is the will of the people has been superseded by decades of corporate and politicial interests (e.g. Citizens United, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Bush v Gore, etc etc).
Perhaps we should have been fighting back, but this is decades in the making.
Saying that’s part of the problem is akin to saying the asteroid was part of the problem for dinosaurs. All you’re really missing is the gutting of critical thinking in public education under Reagan.
Limbaugh gave my dad permanent brain damage. to this day I can’t really tell if he’s still in there.