If your prompts aren’t good enough, consider getting an AI to write them for you.
…And that’s how reasoning models basically work
I mean, we’re almost at that point 🙄
If this reaction were physically possible, I would have made it after reading that:
That is a level of lack of self-awareness I haven’t seen in ages. No wonder these idiots believe AGI is right around the corner. They’re modelling it after themselves.
the “I” stood for Idiot all along.
i hope the next thing they discover is “being quiet”
Maybe if they learn to use this new pastime of thinking, they.l think so long we won’t have to hear their thoughts anymore—until, of course, they think so much that they realize “AI” is dumb as hell and a drain on our dying planets dwindling resources and a money grab for the wealthiest of the upper class and solidifies power in the ruling class by holding the threat of free labor over the working class’ heads and that paying these horrible capitalists to use their empty promise machine (that also happens to be a plagiarism machine) that runs on the blood of workers and the last drops of our climate’s blood is a really bad idea!
But maybe I’m just being too hopeful. It’s the future now and I’m not a fan.
Programmers have been doing this for ages. It’s called rubber duck debugging.
I find a Labrador more effective.
Pretty much any object or animal will work. I wouldn’t try it with a grizzly bear, though.
This and the “I asked AI …” posts are so annoying to me
Are you really that mindless that you can’t conjure thoughts or opinions that are purely your own ?
I recognize this is a sub for hating on AI, but this is some low hanging fruit. This is just not a person familiar with organizing their thoughts and seeing the benefit of it and doesnt say shit about AI.
Yup. Used to do this with Reddit. I’d find a niche subreddit on some topic I was having trouble with, try and write a detailed post of what my problem was, try and include as much information as I already knew and checked, proofread it so I could ensure people understood what my problem was, and in the process something would click and I’d figure it out.
Novak is one of the voices I miss from the old Twitter. If you never have, do yourself a favor and read his long form article on historical grifter Napoleon Hill: https://paleofuture.com/blog/2016/12/6/the-untold-story-of-napoleon-hill-the-greatest-self-help-scammer-of-all-time
Well. He’s on Bluesky. Presumably doing the same thing he did on Twitter.
edit: typo
Doesn’t load?
Then why can’t people who’s whole personality is politics?