I am more interested in the percentage of incidents that result in permanent injury.
The percentage of people in the US who will be permanently injured in a motor vehicle collision is much higher than 1 in 93, and we need to do something about it.
I think it’s a perfectly valid statement to say it is not safe to travel by car in the US, especially as oversized pickup trucks and SUVs have become commonplace on roads.
I could’ve died in a motor vehicle crash just in the past week! A tire shop broke 2 wheel studs trying to remove the lug nuts, replaced them and SIMULTANEOUSLY TWISTED THE BRAKE LINE REINSTALLING THE BRAKE CALIPER. I didn’t know until I had gotten to the job site after driving AN HOUR (2 hour round trip!) THROUGH WINDING MOUNTAIN ROADS EVERY DAY FOR A WEEK. I got to the job site today (technically yesterday) and the line finally popped. Holy shit.
I’ve been thinking about how many times in the past week the brakes could have totally failed so many times just in the past few hours. If you ever get work done on a vehicle of any kind that could 100% kill you if done something goes wrong please please please double check their work (or have someone you trust do it) and hold them accountable.
I can’t embed images directly from Sync but rest assured I have many pictures of their handiwork and will be doing something about it
Edit: I’d like to specify that this is in a heavily loaded work truck and not a car. If I had lost brakes going down the mountain not only would I have had no way to stop, I would’ve been going so much faster than a car.
Dude that’s serious as fuck, wow. How did your wind up stopping, parking brake? I’ve been worried about this ever since parking brakes became electric vs the older cable types.
Luckily I had just made it into the driveway before they completely failed so I was able to put it into park. But yeah, the parking brake is cable operated luckily! I had a new brake line brought to me and I replaced it in the driveway and brought the brakes back to life.
Here’s a picture of what it looked like before I replaced it
I know less than 93 people and several already were killed in car accidents so that means I’m safe. Thanks statistics!
That’s why I always bring a bomb with myself when flying on a plane - very low odds to have two on boad
I do that for my bicycle 😁
What are the chances I will die of a motor vehicle crash outside of my lifetime?
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But what about being in an accident after I’m already caput? Hmm? What about then?
Okay, that’s higher than zero chance! Yey!
Railway passenger: Too few deaths in 2022 to calculate odds
But every suburbanite i know says the metro is too dangerous and that you’re likely to get stabbed by a methed up homeless man.
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A midsized college football stadium might hold about 70,000 people. Imagine going onto the loudspeaker and announcing “Seven hundred and fifty-three of the people here today are going to die in a car crash. Enjoy the game”
The first low chance thing on that list that killed a person 2 degrees away from me was accidental gun discharge. It’s only so high because it’s grouped with other gun deaths, but I didn’t expect to know of someone so close with a 1 in 9288 of dying how they did
Everyone else I know who’s died used one of the top few methods (cancer, heart problems)
Ed. I read the whole list. The accidental gun shot death (caught his shotgun’s trigger on a barbed wire fence he was crossing) was the only unlikely death in my circles
In my area, hunters are taught to fully unload their gun, place the gun on the ground then cross the fence bare handed to help prevent accidental discharges.
We don’t have a gun culture in Australia like the US has, and we don’t have nearly the safety training. But yeah.
I wonder what are the odds for someone over 30 who has driving experience and training?
I ask because for motorcycles the first and second year riders make up most of the deaths
Not sure how Motorcyclist is different from Motor-vehicle crash.
Crazy that it’s more dangerous to be a pedestrian than a Motorcyclist. Are the pedestrian deaths not being counted as a motor-vehicle crash? I doubt that many people are dying from two pedestrians running into each other.
I’d guess it’s because they aren’t saying “all motorcyclists have a 1 in 722 chance of dying riding a motorcycle” they are saying “1 in 722 Americans will die in a motorcycle crash” while completely disregarding that only (making this number up) 80 of those 722 ever even rode motorcycles in the first place.
In other words, pedestrian deaths simply outnumber fatal motorcycle accidents because there are a lot more pedestrians than motorcyclists.
They made the distinction likely because it’s clearer that way as a statistic, as the severity of the crash is very distinct between that two mode of transport.
Also, it’s that low compared to pedestrian because the scale of it. In US commuting via motorcycle is around(or below) 5% according to a quick google search. Compared to country like Malaysia, where there’s equal amount of car and motorcycle on the road, it tell a different story. 6443 road death has been recorded in 2023, and of that 65% is motorcyclist.
Also the pedestrian incident meant pedestrian hit by motor-vehicle. Motor-vehicle crash mean car with car crashes, or hitting a tree.
How perfectly normal
Curious if the 1:3162 figure for bicycle deaths is significantly higher in the US than other nations. I guess that depends on whether or not people who die on bikes tend to be hit by cars.
Might actually be lower in the u.s. since no one’s bicycling any way. Even if deaths per mile cycled is significantly higher in the u.s. , if the total miles cycled is low then deaths will be low.
Either you die, or you don’t. That’s a 50% chance! So, if you’re feeling lucky, there’s no way you can lose!