An excerpt from the article:
Ms. Jones has been scouring the West Los Angeles rental market to find a house that the family could rent for the next eight months, or longer. On Friday morning, she noticed something disturbing on the rents of at least three of the properties she had been tracking: 15 to 20 percent increases overnight.
The sudden surge in rental costs took Ms. Jones by surprise, but aligned with what she has noticed since wildfires started to tear through the Los Angeles area on Tuesday. Ms. Jones was touring a rental house in Beverly Hills with her client on Thursday when the listing agent raised the monthly cost by $3,000 — on the spot. Agents and landlords are aware that some displaced Angelenos might be willing to pay given the circumstance.
“People are so panicked and desperate to get into a house right now that they’re just throwing money into the wind,” Ms. Jones said. “People taking advantage of this. It’s horrendous.”
And now, totally unrelated to this, the definition of “parasitism”:
Association between two different organisms wherein one benefits at the expense of the other.
hands out gun Your name is now Luigi.
hands out gun Your name is now Luigi.
hands out gun Your name is now Luigi.
We’re going to need more guns.
Headlines soon: “Residents gouging landlords”
If this shit doesn’t stop, that’s the final outcome. People are getting insanely desperate.
Now I would just like to take a moment to warn anyone who owns an investment property near the fires that the listings are online with the exact address where literally anyone can find them, they can see that you are taking advantage of the market conditions as is only fair to improve your financial position, they know the house is unoccupied and probably isnt being surveiled or protected in any meaningful way.
There is next to nothing to stop people with no respect for the law or how hard you work from going straight to the property and vandalising it or otherwise making the property unrentable. They dont even need to break in, glue in the locks or spraying the garden with weed killer as they stroll past.
Please take care.
They would have to decrease the rent price if a couple of windows are broken correct?
I’m a little horrified that a 15-20% hike is $3000.
That’s uh, well, even before the price hike that makes me feel very Luigi…
The people who are looking for a rental in this article and who lost their Pacific Palisades home make an order of magnitude more money than you or I would ever expect to make
The rich are surprised because now -they- are the ones being taken advantage of.
What’s this? The consequences of my lifestyle choices and actions??? But I was assured the lepards wouldn’t eat MY face!!! I’m one of the lepards!!!
The indignity of living 6-figure paycheck to 6-figure paycheck.
Yeah these people clearly have (many) other options for housing.
Honestly not sure why this article even exists if this is the most egregious example of price gouging they could find.
I love that Luigi is a verb now.
*adverb - “Luigi” is modifying the verb “feel”, not a noun
It’s not modifying “feel,” it’s the object of “feel.” It functions in that capacity as an adjective. You could make it an adverb by changing it to “makes me Luigily feel.”
In “I would happily feel happy,” happily is an adverb and happy is an adjective, for example.
That’s a lot of coins. Makes me bump my head on question mark blocks.
Well demand did go up.
Bunch of jackasses, I hope the landbastards’ houses burn down and none of their family or pets are harmed and their houses are the only ones destroyed in the neighborhood.
How about we just hope the pets can be rehomed because they didn’t ask for asshole owners and don’t deserve to be punished.
Here’s the thing though…being an asshole doesn’t affect pets. Pets have no concepts of rent, or money, or social class. Hell, even HITLER had a cat and a dog. I’m sure that dog loved hitler. And you can’t blame the dog. The dog has no idea that the person he lives with signed paperwork to establish concentration camps.
The dog just knows he comes home, gives him treats, and then he, the dog, and ava braun all lay down by the fireplace, and watch netflix.
And so these dogs today, they’re just the same. Living with assholes, and clueless. Just as it always has been.
We only know they are terrible, greedy, and lazy people. There ain’t enough to say they aren’t wonderful animal caretakers that provide for their furry friends in excess of the reasonable base level.
Nice carve out haha. Safe!