“In Los Angeles 2099, Cora lived her entire life on the run, a chameleon forced to adopt numerous identities. To secure a stable future for her brother, she assumes one final identity and is forced to partner with Olwen, a Replicant who’s confronting the end of her life.”
The director is not Denis Villeneuve, its someone who has never directed a movie before :(
Is this another one of those second screen experiences? I can’t get excited about these direct to streaming movies no matter how big the names and budget. Damn fools did it to themselves.
It’s a tv miniseries, not a movie.
I’m… cautiously optimistic due to Fallout being a good amazon prime show.
Amazon Prime Movie is the new straight-to-video.
It’s a tv miniseries, not a movie.
is this real?? I cant take it seriously with that googly eye on her forehead.
Pretty sure that’s a shot from “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once”.
ok that is better, I thought these were all from the show and I was like… am I missing something here. Thank you, I was.
I wouldn’t give this a whole lot of hope since this is Amazon. They managed to even make Wheel of Time OK at best.
“Ok at best” is generous…
That show was an abortion of television. Robert Jordan is doing barrel rolls in his grave.
Pretty sure that’s why you haven’t seen any Sanderson adaptations yet.
That is likely the most award winning googly eye of all time
Didn’t they already make this movie with the guy from Breaker High?
It’s a tv miniseries, not a movie.