This is really amazing, I never thought that an exotic system so un-linux-like could ever get a proper gpu driver, nevermind run the newest hardware!
This is really amazing, I never thought that an exotic system so un-linux-like could ever get a proper gpu driver, nevermind run the newest hardware!
Still no NTSYNC…
Yes, its not sold i think, but I found the instructions and a printable version online years ago, i believe on archive.org
Same with guix.
Ah okay! No its not rootless, in fact it can only do fullscreen I think, thats why Im still searching for a better solution!
Its not just for games, you can remote any program(or the entire desktop) with it. Not sure why they advertise it like that.
As for rootless: As far as I know you need some elevated Privileges to be able to capture Wayland, but it does not need to run as root. Not 100% sure though.
This is a false equivalence, most courts outside china rule in favor of the GPL, so it can be enforced. Notably china does not particularily care about international intellectual property rights, and that includes the GPL.
No they dont, not with the current american administration.
Actual proof that hes a russian asset.
global warming :(
soooo… What is this? What can you do with it? is it a ollama replacement?
wow, so this index is completely useless!
Rust has its uses, it certainly has its place in the world of languages. I think if you are making a new low level project, rust is a good pick.
The Rust4Linux project was always fundamentally going to create disagreements and strife. Lots of angry headbutting was to be expected. It happening in such a public way, with sizeable collateral damage, was not.
Wow, an EU member state doing something against the russian election meddling, absolutely unexpected and far too late but at least they are trying! This investigation should have been conducted months before though.
In my opinion the other dev involved stepping down was inevitable, I read their recent blog posts and it seems like more burnout and this being the final straw.
I find it of note that hes only stepping down from the DMA mapping and still maintains other parts, so its really just about rust.
oh wow, no one is left from that disagreement, they both resigned.
Notably it does not include the long awaited NTSYNC support thats supposed to speed up wine considerably, thats still not merged :(
Patente auf Lebewesen gehören verboten, nicht “transparent und fair” gemacht! Indigene Völker haben die Pflanzen schliesslich auch nicht erfunden, und ich würde mal sagen, das die Welt keine bessere werden würde wenn z.B. Heilmittel in Zukunfte eine kompliziertere Patentstruktur haben.
Ausserdem finde ich die Denkweise grundsätzlich Falsch, dass ein ganzes Volk ein Patent auf eine Pflanzliche Wirkung besitzen soll, noch dazu eine die sie seit Jahrhunderten kennt. Laut dem Artikel ist z.B. Stevia ein klarer Fall von “Biopiraterie” weil indigene Völker diese Pflanzen verwenden. Ginge es nach den Biopirat-Gegnern, soll man also eine Zustimmung von Indigenen Völkern haben, dass man eh Stevia verwenden darf, selbst wenn die Pflanze in China angebaut wird! Absolut Grausig, was uns da als “Fairness” verkauft wird.
Hier ein weiterer Artikel dazu: Biopiraterie Stevia
Da ist es sogar noch schlimmer: Den Wirkstoff von Stevia kann man komplett Synthetisieren, also man braucht die Pflanze gar nicht. Indigene Völker wollen aber trotzdem, dass man ihnen Geld dafür gibt. Wegen einem “Patent”, dass sie vor Hunderten Jahren im Nachhinein haben, das für immer gilt, auf das Ganze Volk ausgeschrieben ist und ausserdem nur für den Nutzen einer Pflanze, die einen Wirkstoff enthält. Diese Einigung ist ein weiterer Schritt in die Richtung Patenthölle.