Next to the duct tape
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Goes to show how uncultured I am
Bro it was painfully obvious that it was a different language. Its literally color coded with all the red text being french.
For not knowing a Fr*nch word?
Dude censor that ****** better I could tell it wasn’t Statesian
You didn’t notice the other red text? or the word “fromage”?
Unnecessary context: the â means that it used to be ’raspe’, from which the English word rasp (a type of file) originates.
Oui, you can use it to put cheese on your pain.
I prefer to eat my pain naked.
Now that you mention this, I can just make out that it’s an  and not an A on the packaging.
Fun fact, the accent circonflexe, the ^ in “â”, is basically an old silent s in French. So “râpe”, pronounced RAH-Pe, shows the etymology of the word: rasp. Similar with Hôpital, HOE-PEE-TAL: hospital.
Another fun fact, these style graters are also really great for making spätzel at home.
It’s a small handheld grater, you can use it to grate a little parmesan over your food, or a little zest or whatever, without needing to mess with a bigger grater.
is this preferable to the lesser version or is it worse?
That’s masking tape
The grey stuff is masking tape?
Oh that? That’s gewebe klebeband
Asked chatgpt: Gewebeklebeband is the German term for fabric adhesive tape or duct tape. It is a strong, durable tape made with a fabric backing and coated with adhesive on one side.
It’ll always be gewebe klebeband to me
Elon Musk’s favorite tool